Jason King jr


Determine the topic and title of your presentation. You should submit this information to the M2: Final Project Topic Submission by the end of Modul

Instructions For this final project, you will present a societal problem or issue that particularly impacts the older population. Your presentation should be 15-20 minutes long and submitted as a video recording. You may choose to include PowerPoint slides in your presentation. It is recommended that you use Zoom in

By Jason King jr


The Cost and Value of Magnet® Designation This assignment will help you explore the cost-benefit of the Magnet® process. Many hospitals that are con

The Cost and Value of Magnet® Designation This assignment will help you explore the cost-benefit of the Magnet® process. Many hospitals that are considering Magnet® Accreditation or considering not to be reaccredited as Magnet® are concerned with the large fees associated with Magnet® recognition as well as the staff and

By Jason King jr


Define and appraise the term global health and critically discuss the role of globalization, global institutions and global health governance that inf

Learning Outcomes for the Module: LO1: Define and appraise the term global health and critically discuss the role of globalization, global institutions and global health governance that influence health at global, national and local levels  LO2: Use current literature to explore the social, economic, political and environmental factors that influence

By Jason King jr


Identify a suitable business issue for the purpose of conducting research 3. Deal with complex literature and show evidence of self-direction in think

Demonstrate understanding of developing research design and ethics associated with writing a research proposal 2. Identify a suitable business issue for the purpose of conducting research 3. Deal with complex literature and show evidence of self-direction in thinking critically about contemporary business issues 4. Identify a gap in the existing

By Jason King jr


Evaluation Report of your Entrepreneurial Business & Development. You will present an evaluation of the business concept showcased at Business Expo (o

Evaluation Report of your Entrepreneurial Business & Development. You will present an evaluation of the business concept showcased at Business Expo (online live pitches presented earlier) in the form of a portfolio, which will include an Executive Summary and a Reflective Analysis that will signpost to a range of evidence

By Jason King jr


This module focuses on the evolving hospitality production and consumption patterns, the service scape, related business concepts and customer experie

This module focuses on the evolving hospitality production and consumption patterns, the service scape, related business concepts and customer experiences. It will create an understanding of transformative and innovative business strategy, design and development of unique customer service concepts and experience packages, their delivery and management. This will also include

By Jason King jr


You are required to work in groups (up to 4 members) to deliver a presentation on a specific issue related to sustainability. The presentation will be

The assessment for this module consists of three components designed to evaluate your understanding and application of the topics covered throughout the course, as well as your ability to work effectively in a team: 1. Group Presentation (40%) 2. Group Report (40%) 3. Individual Reflective Statement (20%) Section A: Group

By Jason King jr


As the manager of a customer service call center, you are evaluating the quality of the call center’s operations. One of the most important metrics

Summative Assessment: Call Time Business Research Email –  Managers need to make informed decisions. Using data, or research, to analyze your business is an important part of making decisions and evaluating business performance. An IT manager analyzes service levels, a marketing manager tries to predict results of planned campaigns, and virtually

By Jason King jr


The purpose of these journals is to provide students with an opportunity to apply their course knowledge of Digital Marketing, Human Resources Managem

Purpose:  The purpose of these journals is to provide students with an opportunity to apply their course knowledge of Digital Marketing, Human Resources Management, Applied Accounting or Banking and Financial Technology in alignment to their program and BUSG4301. A reflective journal is a type of writing that allows you to

By Jason King jr


Evaluate fundamental supply chain principles in a range of organisational contexts 2. Evaluate the contribution of digital technology, Big Data sets a

Learning Outcomes: After completing the module, you should be able to: 1. Evaluate fundamental supply chain principles in a range of organisational contexts 2. Evaluate the contribution of digital technology, Big Data sets and analytics in driving supply chain improvements 3. Critically assess the disrupters facing contemporary supply chains 4.

By Jason King jr


Demonstrate a high level of knowledge and understanding of the hard and soft skills of employability; demonstrating a range of work-based competencies

Learning Outcomes: After completing the module, you should be able to: 1. Demonstrate a high level of knowledge, skills and competences required for management and leadership, and for personal and professional development, and processes for developing them. 2. Demonstrate a high level of knowledge and understanding of the hard and

By Jason King jr


Define the various tourist types identified within a range of Tourist Type models; Examine tourist destinations and tourist attractions that meet the

Define the various tourist types identified within a range of Tourist Type models; Examine tourist destinations and tourist attractions that meet the needs of various tourist types; Examine tourist destinations and tourist attractions that meet the needs of various tourist types; When designing a new product or service all industries

By Jason King jr

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