Create an 8-12 slide digital presentation that can be used to provide educators with information on the essential components of literacy. You will nar
Assignments: I follow the grading rubric closely. Always read the assignment rubric prior to starting your assignments to fully understand the assignment requirements. Some requirements are outlined in the grading rubric that are not detailed in this course assignment instructions. It is recommended that you use the writing template posted in the resources section of the course room for assignments and label each section of your paper based on the topic or what the question is asking. This will ensure you cover all requirements of the assignment and assists in the grading process. Be sure to reach out if you have questions.
· Mechanics: Graduate writing requires critical thinking, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of theory and concepts. Be sure to proofread your papers and DQ posts before submitting to ensure maximum points. Examples of errors with mechanics are errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, and use of passive voice.
· References: You are required to use scholarly references for this course. Scholarly references are articles and resources in the course room, peer reviewed articles in the GCU library and government websites ending in .gov. You are strongly discouraged from using other websites as references.
· Helpful Resources: The GCU library is located at and can assist you in locating appropriate scholarly references and research for your course assignments. For assistance with APA, please use the GCU library guide: or the Student Writing Center. You are also encouraged to use the APA style website at to assist with APA format and mechanics. You can use as a resource to assist with proofreading your work prior to submitting.
The Science of Reading is a body of research that gives educators insight into how students learn to read and become successful readers. Applying the Science of Reading, Scarborough’s Reading Rope, and the Simple View on Reading is essential when planning and implementing quality literacy instruction. Understanding the essential components of literacy and how those components weave together to form skilled reading can support educators in providing effective literacy instruction.
Part 1: GoReact Presentation
Create an 8-12 slide digital presentation that can be used to provide educators with information on the essential components of literacy. You will narrate your presentation through GoReact by using the screen share function. You must have your camera on during the narrated presentation. Include the following in your presentation:
- Brief overview of the Science of Reading, Scarborough’s Reading Rope, and the Simple View of Reading.
- Explanation of how language comprehension and decoding support reading comprehension and lead to students becoming skilled readers.
- An overview of the components of literacy based on Science of Reading research (i.e., phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension).
- Description of how the components are interrelated and potential effects on reading success if students experience difficulties in a component.
- Provide at least two suggestions for the classroom learning environment that would support the literacy components and literacy instruction.
There are two ways to access this assignment. When accessing it through the calendar view, select the “Open Assignment” button to begin work. When accessing it through the Topic content, select the “Go to Assessment” button to begin work.
Remember, video and audio quality are important and should be taken into consideration. Ensure your video is filmed with sufficient lighting and the volume is adequate for viewers to hear. Intonation, expression, proper speech, and professional attire are expected.
Part 2: Reflection
Once you post your narrated presentation, you will see it on the GoReact dashboard. Enter the playback screen by clicking the thumbnail. Watch the video and make at least two specific comments by bookmarking and making a comment explaining where you see the following:
- Biggest strength of your presentation and delivery
- A place where you could improve your presentation and delivery to help you grow as a future educator
Support your presentation with 2-3 scholarly resources.
While APA Style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric in GoReact. Review the rubric in GoReact prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.
Note: Once you receive a grade for the assignment in Halo, return to the GoReact assignment to view additional feedback given by the instructor.