Describe approaches known to improve recruitment and retention of adult care staff. Approaches may include, but are not limited to: • recruiting peo
Business and Resource Management |
Unit 4 Assignment
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Key Points to Remember – Explain: you must describe it giving details and revealing relevant facts. Analyse: You must consider a point of view from both sides, the strengths and limitations. Evaluate: You must consider a point of view from both sides, the strengths and limitations of it, and then give your own conclusion.
Remember to include at least one bibliography or reference for each question.
In addition, ensure the answers are your own words and not copied from books or websites.
Send your completed assessment sheet via email to [email protected] Remember to include your name in the
body of the email.
Question 1
Evaluate the impact of national and local strategies and priorities on resource planning and management in relation to:
• financial resources.
• physical resources.
• human resources.
Word count is 300.
Criteria: 1.1: Evaluate the impact of national and local strategies and
priorities on resource planning and management in relation to : • financial resources. • physical resources. • human resources.
Question 2
Explain the importance of accurate forecasting for resource requirements.
Word count 200.
Criteria: 1.2: Explain the importance of accurate forecasting for resource requirements.
Question 3
Analyses the value of using assets and resources outside traditional services and in the community.
Word count 300.
Criteria: 1.3: Analyse the value of using assets and resources outside traditional services and in the community.
Question 4
Explain the place of technology as a resource in service delivery and service management.
Word count 200.
Criteria: 1.4: Explain the place of technology as a resource in service delivery and service management.
Question 5
Describe the meaning of sustainability in terms of resource management in adult care.
Word count 200.
Criteria: 1.5: Describe the meaning of sustainability in terms of resource management in adult care.
Question 6
Explain the roles, responsibilities and accountabilities for resource management within the organisation.
Word count 300.
Criteria: 1.6: Explain the roles, responsibilities and accountabilities for resource management within the organisation.
Question 7
Explain the importance of business continuity planning and the processes available.
Word count 200.
Criteria: 1.7: Explain the importance of business continuity planning and the processes available.
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Question 8
Identify legislation, policy, and practices underpinning safe and fair recruitment.
Legislation, regulations, guidance may include, but is not limited to:
• Equality Act 2010.
• Working Time Regulations 1998.
• CQC regulations.
• disclosure and Barring Service checks.
• confirming identify and seeking references.
Word count 350.
Criteria: 2.1: Identify legislation, policy, and practices underpinning safe and fair recruitment.
Question 9
Describe approaches known to improve recruitment and retention of adult care staff. Approaches may include, but are not limited to:
• recruiting people with the right values and behaviours.
• understanding the local area to inform business planning.• innovative strategies to attract candidates in the local community e.g., referral programmes.
•offering a supportive induction, quality training, career progression routes, good working conditions, rewards, recognition, flexibility, and competitive pay rates.
Word count 400
Criteria: 2.2: Describe approaches known to improve recruitment and retention of adult care staff.