Design a conference style poster to raise the awareness of an identified public health need related to the health, wellbeing and care delivery for chi

Writing at Academic Level 7
• Design a conference style poster to raise the awareness of an identified public health need
related to the health, wellbeing and care delivery for children and young people and
families. (50%)
• Write a supporting critical summary (1500 words) to accompany the poster (50%)

A. The first component is to design a conference style poster to raise the awareness of an
identified public health need related to the health, wellbeing and care delivery for children
and young people and families.
B. The second component is to write a supporting critical summary (1500 words) to
accompany the poster.

Summative assessment guidelines:
Part A (comprises 50% of the overall grade): The poster should include: • A Public health
need from the Healthy Child Programme based on local and national data (e.g. policy
documents, health and social research).
• Identify and highlight current public health interventions that address the need that will
be identified.
• The Health visitor's role in addressing the issues surrounding this public health need. •
The poster needs to provide succinct information combined with visual representation of
the ideas and correct citation of sources
• Include a full reference list

Part B (comprises 50% of the grade):
The second component is to provide a written critical summary of 1500 words (maximum)
to accompany the poster:
• Provide a brief overview of the focus and structure of the written summary.
• Introduce and critically discuss the identified need within the Health Child Programme.
• Critically discuss the identified need using local and national and international data.
• Critically discuss public health interventions focusing on their impact and sustainability.
• Critically discuss the Health Visitor interventions, focusing the impact and outcomes for
the infant, child, young person and family.
• Conclusion – focusing on the key points of your critical summary
• Include a full reference list in accordance with faculty policy. Submitting your poster and
written summary. Submit the summative assessment as two separate documents –a
PowerPoint poster and a written summary on a Word document.

Summative Assignment Content
• Identify Public health need from the Healthy Child Programme based on local and national
data (e.g. policy documents, health and social research).
• Identify potential sources of information e.g. databases, journals, professional bodies
• Identify and highlight current public health interventions that address the need that will be
• The School Nurse or Health visitor's role in addressing the issues surrounding this public
health need
Draw upon Public Health England ‘All Our Health Framework
Increasingly conferences use poster display opportunities as an effective way of disseminating
findings and ideas.

Conference Poster
Developing skills in producing visual display material can be relevant to your future nursing careers.
• The poster needs to provide succinct information combined with visual representation of
the ideas and correct citation of sources
• Think about the structure and organisation of the poster (layout/appearance)
• Consider the visual impact of the Poster
Written Critical Summary of Conference Poster
The written summary-up should be a maximum of 1,500 words.

• Brief overview of the focus and structure of the written summary.

Main body

• Identified need within the Health Child Programme.
• Critically discuss the need using local and national and international data.
• Critical discussion of public health interventions focusing on their impact
and sustainability.
• Critically discuss Health Visitor or School Nurse interventions focusing the
impact and outcomes for infant, child, young person and family.


• Summary focusing on the key points of your written summary.

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