Determine the topic and title of your presentation. You should submit this information to the M2: Final Project Topic Submission by the end of Modul


For this final project, you will present a societal problem or issue that particularly impacts the older population. Your presentation should be 15-20 minutes long and submitted as a video recording. You may choose to include PowerPoint slides in your presentation. It is recommended that you use Zoom in order to record your presentation, as this software easily allows you to share your screen, as appropriate.

You should complete the following steps in order to prepare and present your final project:

  1. Determine the topic and title of your presentation. You should submit this information to the M2: Final Project Topic Submission by the end of Module 2.
    1. Remember, your project should provide a clear understanding of the challenges facing older adults who are dealing with the problem or issue on your selected topic.
  2. If you are not fully comfortable with using Zoom, take some time to review the Recording Zoom Presentations guide. Download Recording Zoom Presentations guide.You may even consider scheduling a time to do a test run on Zoom to ensure that you are comfortable using the platform.
  3. Prepare the content of your presentation. This might include PowerPoint slides or other visuals to support your presentation.
  4. Determine a date and time when you will record your presentation.
  5. Once you have recorded your presentation, submit the recording file to this assignment page. Also, please submit your recording file to M7: Discussion 2 to ensure that your classmates will be able to view your presentation.

Final Research Project Guidelines

Please remember to address the following points in your presentation:

  • The purpose of the project
    • Why is it important to highlight this issue?
    • Why it is of interest to you?
  • A clear statement of the problem or issue
    • Who is affected? How are they affected?
    • How has Covid-19 impacted the issue or problem?
  • An analysis of the factors contributing to this condition/issue and their consequences on those affected directly and indirectly
    • Why did this come about and what will happen if it is left unaddressed?
  • Possible solutions
    • Identify potential ways to remedy the situation.
  • Strategies for raising public awareness around the issue
  • The role of social work. A description of the role that social workers play or should play in addressing the condition that you are describing in terms of:
    • Direct practice
      • What do social workers do with client systems that are affected by this condition in terms of identification, assessment, intervention, and education?
    • Advocacy and Empowerment
      • What efforts are being made on behalf of and with affected populations?
      • What else is needed?
  • The role of the Aging professional. Based on your interview with a professional in the field, what are their thoughts on the issue?
    • Please include the name and title of your interviewee. (Example: According to Dr. Laurie Blackman, a Gerontology faculty member at Wurzweiler School of Social Work)
      • As a reminder, you can interview any professional in the Aging field. Examples of Aging professionals include: Administrators of nursing homes, gerontology researchers, educators teaching Gerontology classes, gerontological social workers, geriatricians, center directors for older adults, and administrators of for-profit or non-for-profit aging-related agencies, etc. 
  • Conclusion and Summary
    • Based on your research, discuss your personal recommendations about how this particular issue/concern should be addressed in schools of social work and in society at large. Give reasons for your recommendations.


  • Submit your recording file by the posted due date. Post the video file to M7: Discussion 2 to ensure that your classmates will be able to view your presentation.
    • Your presentation should be 15-20 minutes long.
    • You must submit a reference page using APA 7 format that includes all sources utilized for your project.
  • Please make sure to use the grading rubric Download grading rubricfor guidance on assignment expectations.


Final Presentation RubricFinal Presentation RubricCriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCONTENTClarity of purpose. Critical and original thought. Use of examples. Key points addressed.20 to >17.0 ptsAccomplishedPurpose is clearly stated. Clearly presents a main idea and supports main idea throughout the presentation. Addresses all key points. Exceptionally well-presented and argued. Ideas are detailed, well-developed, supported with specific evidence and facts, as well as examples and specific details.17 to >14.5 ptsMeets ExpectationsShows awareness of purpose. There is a main idea that is supported throughout most of the presentation. Addressed most key points. Well-presented and argued. Ideas are detailed, developed, and supported with evidence and details, mostly specific.14.5 to >13.0 ptsNeeds ImprovementShows limited awareness of purpose. Vague sense of a main idea, weakly supported throughout the presentation. Vaguely addresses the key points. Content is sound and solid. Ideas are present but not particularly developed or supported. Some evidence, but usually of a generalized nature.13 to >0 ptsDoes Not Meet ExpectationsNo awareness of purpose. No main idea. No key areas addressed. Content is not sound.20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCRITICAL THINKINGContent Discourse
Integration of Ideas5 to >4.5 ptsAccomplishedReflects on context of the scholarly discourse in terms of assumptions. Integrates different ways of knowing and includes evidence of reflection.4.5 to >3.5 ptsMeets ExpectationsExamines the context and explores the assumptions of the scholarly discourse. Integrates multiple viewpoints and compares ideas or perspectives.3.5 to >3.0 ptsNeeds ImprovementConsiders the context and assumptions of the scholarly discourse in a limited way. Considers viewpoints and ideas tentatively.3 to >0 ptsDoes Not Meet ExpectationsDoes not examine the scholarly discourse. Does not consider multiple viewpoints.5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSTRUCTUREOrganization
Flow of thought
Format10 to >8.5 ptsAccomplishedWell-planned, easily followed, and logically organized. Clear ideas that are supported with examples and have effective, logical, and smooth transitions. Includes strong introduction and conclusion.8.5 to >7.5 ptsMeets ExpectationsGood overall organization. Most parts of presentation have clear ideas that are supported with some examples and have basic transitions.7.5 to >6.5 ptsNeeds ImprovementSome parts of presentation have ideas that are unclear, and transitions may be ineffective. Some parts may be difficult to follow6.5 to >0 ptsDoes Not Meet ExpectationsNo sense of organization. Presentation lacks clear ideas. Poor transitions. Difficult to follow.10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDELIVERYWord choice/Tone
Style5 ptsAccomplishedThe presenter is very well prepared and delivers ideas in a clear and concise manner. There is not an over-reliance on notes. Volume and pacing contribute maximally to the presentation. There is clear use of a personal and unique style, suited to audience and purpose. The presentation holds the viewer’s interest with ease.4 ptsMeets ExpectationsThe presenter is well prepared and delivers ideas in a clear and concise manner. There is not an over-reliance on notes. Volume and pacing are adequate. There is some use of a personal and unique style, suited to audience and purpose. The presentation holds the viewer’s interest.3 ptsNeeds ImprovementThe presenter is somewhat prepared and does not deliver ideas in a clear and concise manner. Volume and pacing are somewhat adequate. There is little use of a personal and unique style, suited to audience and purpose. The presentation somewhat holds the viewer’s interest.2 ptsDoes Not Meet ExpectationsThe presenter is not well prepared. Volume and pacing are inadequate. There is little/no use of a personal and unique style suited to audience and purpose. The presentation hardly holds the viewer’s interest.5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRESEARCHUsage of reputable and scholarly sources10 ptsAccomplishedSources are exceptionally well integrated and they support claims argued in the presentation very effectively.8 ptsMeets ExpectationsSources are well integrated and support the presentation’s claims. There may be occasional errors.6 ptsNeeds ImprovementSources support some claims made in the presentation, but might not be well integrated.4 ptsDoes Not Meet ExpectationsThe presentation does not use adequate research or if it does, the sources are not well integrated.10 pts
Total Points: 50

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