Discuss the effects of China's One child policy in terms of the population age structure and the sustainability of the country. What effects were seen

Q1 (brothers)

Should classroom teachers have the freedom to change, adapt, and take advantage of unique opportunities for learning as they evolve within the adopted curriculum? If “good teaching” is more than just delivering the curriculum as it is written, how might a teacher add value or increase accessibility to these parts of the lesson:

  • the introduction
  • teacher directed (I do)
  • teacher guided (we do)
  • independent practice (you do)
  • closing

Consider prior knowledge, supplemental materials (digital or hard copy), Universal Design for Learning, etc. It may be helpful to work through an actual lesson plan as you answer this. 

Q2 (Cheryl)

1. What were the ideals of the Enlightenment, and how did these ideals shape the Atlantic Revolutions discussed in chapter 16 (focus on the beginning of the chapter)?

2. What was revolutionary about the American Revolution?

3. How did the French Revolution differ from the American?

4.  In your estimation, was the Haitian Revolution more similar to the AMERICAN Revolution or to the FRENCH Revolution?  Explain by highlighting the specifics of the revolution in Haiti in relation to either the American or the French (which one you deem to be “more similar” to the Haitian).

Q3 (Cheryl)

  • Students will identify the cultures and societies (plural) of West Africa
  • Students will evaluate West Africa’s development from pre-colonial times to the present day.

Q4 (Cheryl)

 the causes of political, social, and military conflict in West Africa.


Q5 (Cheryl)

Natadecha-Sponsel talks about, in “Individualism as an American Cultural Value,” the role of communalism (e.g. focus on the group/community) as opposed to individualism. What do you see as the role of these two values in East Asia? And how do they compare to at least one of the other societies that we’ve talked about

Q6 (Cheryl)

Black Panther is about a futuristic society that avoided the calamities of European colonialism and thus, through control of their own resources and technological innovation, its people were able to thrive and far exceed the progress of other global societies.


While this is fictional (a brand of storytelling called Afrofuturism), it reflects a way of considering the role of contingency in the past (e.g. how could things have been different).


Embracing this approach (but with a more historically-based approach), how might things have been different in Haiti if foreign countries had not insisted on intervening on a near-constant basis. You can use traditional narrative or tell a fictional story about the place that would exist.

Q7 (Cheryl)

Students will identify the cultures and societies (plural) of East Asia

Q8 (Cheryl)

Students will assess the relationship between Europe and the world

Q9 (Cheryl)

 Students will assess the relationship between Mexico and the rest of North America.

Students will describe the development of Mexico as a multi-ethnic society. 

Q10 (des)

Misery presents a chilling portrait of fan obsession and the perceived ownership that fans can feel over celebrities. How does Annie Wilkes represent the extreme end of parasocial relationships? In what ways does her character reflect the entitlement that fans sometimes feel toward their favorite creators?


Apply psychological theories to analyze Annie’s behavior. How does her isolation and personal instability contribute to her violent actions? Discuss how the film critiques the darker side of fandom and the celebrity-fan dynamic.

Q10 (des)

Students will identify the cultures and societies (plural) of East Asia

Q11 (neva)

North Carolina is the state

Research the Census Explorer tool   Young Adults Then and Now. You can access this tool by typing this URL into your browser: https://census.socialexplorer.com/young-adults/#/.

Links to an external site.

“Young Adults: Then and Now”

Links to an external site. examines the socioeconomic characteristics of 18 to 34-year-olds using the 2009-2013 American Community Survey and the 2000, 1990, and 1980 Censuses. 

You will choose one state to explore the data and summarize the key findings. Topics include demographics, earnings, education, family, etc. Please select any state other than North Carolina. Tip: By clicking on the “Show Full Report” button, you can view the data in multiple formats (charts, tables, or maps).

Q12 (Neva)

Social media platforms have become powerful tools for shaping public opinion. Share an example of a recent social media campaign or viral event. How did it influence societal perspectives or policies?

Q13 (terrance)

This post will be two well-written paragraphs (minimum of five sentences each). In the first paragraph, you will choose one of the following to discuss:

  1. Directives
  2. Criticism
  3. Apologies
  4. Compliments

In your first paragraph, you will begin by establishing which of the four you chose. Then you will elaborate on what you learned (google search) about that type of verbal communication, but you will use four bold words to describe the type you selected. 

In the second paragraph, you will give a personal example from your life when you saw your chosen word (explained in the first paragraph) happen. This can be an example of when it went well or when it didn’t, but make sure that you conclude this paragraph by clarifying what makes it go well according to the information you found. Lastly, how does this impact intercultural communication?

Q14 (tina)

Discuss the effects of China’s One child policy in terms of the population age structure and the sustainability of the country. What effects were seen as a result of the policy? What policy changes were implemented later on?

Q15 (tina)

Explain why industrialization led to exponential growth of human populations. Make sure to mention what factors changed with industrialization that allowed for human population growth.



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