Ethical SurveySurvey a minimum of twenty (20) respondents on their thoughts about ethics and criminal justice. The survey must contain at least twe

Ethical SurveySurvey a minimum of twenty (20) respondents on their thoughts about ethics and criminal justice. The survey must contain at least twenty (20) survey questions, the first of which must be “Do you believe that most people are ethical? Why or why not?”, PLUS a minimum of two (2) demographic questions (add 17 more of your own questions for a minimum of 20 questions total). Craft additional questions to learn about your respondents’ opinions and beliefs about ethics and the criminal justice system. You may use face-to-face, email, telephone, or even Internet-based polling (examples include Facebook or Survey Monkey polling). Your assignment submission must include the listing of all survey and demographic questions posed. Before you begin surveying your 20 (minimum) respondents, write a short narrative generally explaining why the questions were selected and what the anticipated responses were. After you have administered the survey, do a comparison of expected and actual responses. Conclude the survey narrative addressing the comparison, examining any differences across the survey and demographic responses and offering possible explanations for your results. The entire survey narrative should not exceed 2-3 single- or double-spaced pages. Separate from and in addition to the minimum of twenty (20) survey questions, track demographic information (examples of demographics might include age, gender, income, education, marital status, and race, as well as geographic area of birth, residence or employment). A minimum of two demographic questions must be included in the survey. Use both tables AND graphs to show ALL responses to open- and closed-ended questions, including the demographic data. Again, ALL“closed-ended” questions (yes/no, agree/disagree, Likert scale, or similar questions with limited responses) should be presented in both written and visual formats. Most “open-ended” questions (for example, a follow up question of “why did you answer the preceding question the way you did?”) are more suitable for inclusion in tables. The completed version of the assignment should be in one (1) Microsoft Word formatted file and include six (6) components:

  • (1) a list of the questions asked in the survey (please do not include the “raw” data, the response sheets of the survey respondents, include only a list of the questions)
  • The three-part narrative includes:
  • (2) why the questions were asked
  • (3) the anticipated responses and
  • (4) the actual responses with analysis
  • (5) tables of ALL open-ended questions (both survey and demographic) and
  • (6) graphs of ALL closed-ended questions (both survey and demographic)

Assignment length: 2-3 single- or double-spaced pages.

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