FIN3303 – Reflection #4 Chapter 3 discusses business financial statements. In class you will be provided with elementary statements that we will wor
FIN3303 – Reflection #4
Chapter 3 discusses business financial statements. In class you will be provided with elementary statements that we will work through. In reality, such statements can be significantly more comprehensive and advanced. Follow the link below to access LuluLemon’s 2022 Annual Report.
Briefly skim over it. Try to locate the company’s financial statements. What are your thoughts about the whole report? Is it overwhelming? Are you able to understand what is discussed? Have you ever read such a report before? Did you think such a report would be so long?
Do you have any entrepreneurial interests? Do you want to start your own business one day? Do you want to be a leader one day? If so, you will necessarily make decisions that will impact your company’s financial health. How do you think keeping track of financial information will help you be a better leader? What costs are associated with keeping track of such information?
NOTE: The purpose of the reflection activities is to benefit you. You get out of the assignment what you put into it. So, for your own benefit, please set aside more than simply ten minutes to complete this assignment. Rushing to put something on paper will not benefit you as much as setting aside periods of time to reflect.
Guidelines: Do not copy and paste the prompt into the submission box. Each reflection should be at least 400 words. Reflections shorter than 400 words (even 399 words) will receive half credit. I recommend typing your reflection within a word document to get an accurate word count, and then copying and pasting it into the submission box on canvas. Worried that your reflection may be too short? Then write more! There is no upward limit.