Identify and discuss the types of interprofessional collaboration which could be considered when promoting health and wellness for diverse populations
Week Six Assignment(s)
Grand Rounds Presentation
Since the beginning of the course, your patient has aged and changed. Consider everything your patient and/or the patient’s caregivers have gone through over the years. Use all the information you have gained through discussion and research as a base for completing this Grand Rounds Presentation. You will be presenting this information to a specific target audience which includes individuals who have a medical background. This presentation is not geared toward patient education. Keep your presentation professional and engaging for the target audience.
Students will be required to submit a Grand Rounds Presentation related to their patient assignment. There is no template for this assignment.
Assignment Instructions:
The student must select their target audience and explain the significance of their choice. Integrate advanced pathophysiological concepts to develop a holistic plan of care specific to the specific patient scenario which has been provided each week. Explain how the patient assessments differ across the lifespan as described within the patient scenario.
Identify and discuss the types of interprofessional collaboration which could be considered when promoting health and wellness for diverse populations across the lifespan.
Briefly discuss the role of compassionate care in patient outcomes. Identify at least one social determinant of health (SDOH) that is a common barrier for the scenario.
Appraise current technology designed to facilitate health promotion among individuals with comorbid cognitive or physical impairments. Identify at least one technology that may be used and discuss the significance.
Create a video presentation with a PowerPoint which is a minimum of 15 minutes and a maximum of 20 minutes in duration.
Follow APA format for your entire presentation.
Include a minimum of 3 references (use your textbook for 1 of the 3) from scholarly sources and/or authoritative websites in APA format. References must be from within the past 5 years.
Use your textbook for 1 of the 3 scholarly sources. If not from a peer-reviewed journal, your information must be from an authoritative website such as the CDC, NIH, Health People 2020, etc. Please ask the course faculty member if you are unsure of the scholarly level of a resource.
There is a minimum of 15 slides necessary for this presentation, no maximum slide count.
Include a slide discussing your objectives in the beginning, a summary of your presentation at the end followed by the reference slide.
Create a handout for the target audience.
Rubric – Grand Rounds Presentation |
Criteria |
Exceptional |
Effective |
Developing |
Unacceptable |
Objectives & summary
includes an
introductory slide featuring 5-6
objectives and a summary slide.
(10 points)
includes an
introductory slide featuring 3-4
objectives and a summary slide.
(8 points)
includes an
introductory slide featuring 2
objectives and a summary slide; Or presentation
includes an
introductory slide with 3-6
objectives but is
does not include an introductory objective slide or a summary slide; Or presentation includes an
introductory slide featuring 0-1
objective and a summary slide.
missing a
summary slide. (6 points)
(0 points)
Clarity of content |
Presentation clearly delivers content with excellent etiology of the chosen topics including holistic and pathophysiological concepts, physical assessment, and pharmacologic management as applies across the lifespan; Also discusses interdisciplinary collaborations, current technology designed to facilitate health promotion, and identifies at least one technology that can be used. (25 points) |
Minor issues present with the clarity of content in the presentation related to the etiology of the chosen topics, interdisciplinary collaborations, and/or current technology. (18 points) |
Significant issues present with the clarity of content in the presentation related to the etiology of the chosen topics, interdisciplinary collaborations, and/or current technology. (10 points) |
Presentation does not clearly deliver content related to the etiology of the chosen topics, interdisciplinary collaborations, and/or current technology. (0 points) |
Compassionate Care
Student included a discussion of the role of
compassionate care in patient
outcomes and clearly identified a social determinant of health (SDOH) related to a
chosen topic.
Student did not include a
discussion of the role of
compassionate care in patient outcomes or did not clearly
identify a social determinant of health (SDOH)
(5 points) related to a
chosen topic.
(0 points)
Professionalism& quality of presentation |
Student and presentation have a professional appearance and the design of the PowerPoint features clear, concise slides with relevant images and thorough verbal explanations. (10 points) |
Minor issues present with professional appearance and quality of the presentation. (8 points) |
Significant issues present with professional appearance and quality of the presentation. (6 points) |
Presentation does not have a professional appearance and its lack of quality diminishes its usability and usefulness for its target audience. (0 points) |
APA formatting & references
features a
reference slide with no errors in APA formatting and at least 3 references from scholarly sources and/or
features a
reference slide with 1-2 errors in APA formatting and at least 3 references from scholarly sources and/or
features a
reference slide with 3-4 errors in APA formatting and at least 3 references from scholarly sources and/or
does not feature a reference slide; Or reference slide contains
unacceptable sources; Or
reference slide has 5 or more errors in APA
websites within the
websites within
websites within
past 5 years. (10 points)
the past 5 years; Or presentation features a
reference slide with no errors in APA formatting and only 2
references from scholarly sources and/or
the past 5 years; Or presentation features a
reference slide with no errors in APA formatting and only 1
reference from scholarly sources and/or
(0 points)
websites within the past 5 years.
(8 points)
websites within the past 5 years.
(6 points)
Grammar & mechanics |
No errors related to grammar and mechanics in verbal or written content. (10 points) |
1-2 errors present related togrammar and mechanics in verbal and/or written content. (8 points) |
3-4 errors present related to grammar and mechanics in verbal and/or written content. (6 points) |
5 or more errors present related togrammar and mechanics in verbal and/or written content. (0 points) |
Length requirement |
Presentation has aminimum of 15 slides and video runs between 15- 20 minutes. (10 points) |
Presentation does not meet the minimum length requirement; Or video does not meet the length requirements. (8 points) |
Presentation and video do not adhere to length requirements. (0 points) |
Handout |
Excellent resource for target audiencespecific to Grand Rounds presentation that iseasy to read and professional in appearance; May include patient education or relevant resources for presentation. (20 points) |
Minor issues present with professional appearance, quality, or
relevance of information in the handout for its target audience. (15 points) |
Significant issues present with professional appearance, quality, or relevance of information in the handout for its target audience. (10 points) |
Handout does nothave a professional appearance and its lack of quality and relevance diminishes its usability and usefulness for its target audience. (0 points) |