Objective: • To present an evidenced based presentation to your peers regarding your chosen therapeutic modality. Purpose: • To take a leadership
• To present an evidenced based presentation to your peers regarding your chosen therapeutic modality.
• To take a leadership approach to presenting an evidenced based seminar to your colleagues.
• Utilize evidenced based resources & DSM-5-TR to develop a presentation around the chosen therapeutic modality.
• Increase knowledge on chosen therapeutic modality.
This assignment will contribute to the development of the following competencies and core behaviors for the psych NP:
AACN Essentials competencies:
1.2f Synthesize knowledge from nursing and other disciplines to inform education, practice, and research.
1.3e Synthesize current and emerging evidence to Influence practice.
4.1h Apply and critically evaluate advanced knowledge in a defined area of nursing practice.
4.2f Use diverse sources of evidence to inform practice
9.2i Identify innovative and evidence-based practices that promote person-centered care.
NONPF Core Behaviors:
• Identifies evidenced based practice tools to apply in the clinical setting.
• Evaluates the safety and efficacy of therapeutic interventions (pharmacological and nonpharmacological), including recognition of adverse and unanticipated treatment outcomes.
• Integrates peer reviewed knowledge, standards of care, and practice guidelines to support clinical judgment.
• Prescribes evidenced-based nonpharmacological interventions and therapies that are consistent with the established plan of care. Additional behaviors for PMHNPs: Orders and conducts individual or group psychotherapy as indicated
You will be required to design an educational workshop and present it to the class. Ideally, your workshop should provide your peers with an overview of the theory, principles, and techniques of your chosen psychotherapy.
The workshop is intended to be a presentation style of format. While we are not grading on creativity, the project must be a presentation. Word documents and essays are not permitted. You may use Powerpoint, YouTube, Zoom recordings, Powtoons or other video makers. Voice over is appreciated but not required. AI-generated text or presentations are not allowed and will be considered an honor code violation as they are not your own work.
Your workshop must include:
Section 1: Describe the therapy
• 3 Learning Objectives for your workshop
• Brief historical summary
• Critique the theory or model
◦ Describe the major concepts/components of the theory
◦ Determine the complexity of the theory (how elaborate or simple is it?)
◦ Determine the scope of the theory (where does it stand along the continuum from grand theory to conceptual model?)
◦ Discuses the usefulness of the theory or model (Can it be used to guide psychiatric nursing practice? If so, how?)
• Description of the techniques for use
• Evidenced based literature to support the utilization of the theory or model in specific populations
• Lifespan issues with use of the theory or model
• Cultural variations with use of the theory or model
Section 2: Apply the therapy to practice
• Apply your chosen theory to a specific psychiatric population (i.e. Solution Focused therapy for work with youth with externalizing behavioral problems or MI for work with smoking cessation) with a DSM diagnosis
◦ Define the chosen disorder/population
▪ Epidemiology (incidence, prevalence, demographics)
◦ Assessment
▪ Include screening tests or measures applicable to the disorder
▪ Clinical Presentation and typical age of onset of the chosen disorder
▪ Cultural Variations of clinical presentation and potential impact on treatment
◦ Diagnosis – DSM-5-TR; Natural course of the disorder; Differentials
◦ Treatment – Your chosen theory/model
▪ Efficacy of the treatment theory/model
▪ Alternative strategies for the disorder
▪ Evidence for the treatment theory/model in the chosen disorder/population
Section 3: Synthesize the research
• For your chosen diagnosis from section 2, compare and contrast the assigned therapy with another therapeutic modality.
◦ For example, if your therapy is Applied behavioral analysis and your diagnosis is Autism spectrum, you might contrast this with equine therapy.
◦ Or if your therapy is Cognitive Processing Therapy and your diagnosis is PTSD, you might choose to contrast CPT with EMDR. Or PE. Or ART.
◦ You may choose the second therapy to contrast with the assigned therapy, but it MUST have evidence to support it’s use. Do not compare with a medication, but a psychotherapeutic modality or alternative therapy is ok.
• Compare and contrast the two therapy choices for your selected DSM diagnosis. The following are examples of questions that you will try to answer in your analysis:
◦ Is the evidence for one therapy stronger than the other? Does the research point to one of these therapies as clearly superior to the other, or is the research conflicting?
▪ What are the pros and cons of each therapy?
▪ In what situations or populations is each therapy more appropriate than the other?
▪ Not every therapy is appropriate for every patient. When in clinical practice, how should the PMHNP decide between these two therapy options for the patient sitting in front of them?
• Just like with medication, therapy can potentially harm our clients if used incorrectly. Discuss the potential unintended consequences of ordering each therapy or the wrong therapy for this patient population/diagnosis. Use the research to discuss risks vs benefits with your two selected therapeutic modalities.
• Cite at least five peer-reviewed journal articles for this section.
References: You must cite and reference all of your information. Use APA style. A citation belongs on the individual slide, whereas a full reference belongs at the end of the presentation. It is expected that you will use more than your Wheeler textbook. Peer-reviewed journal articles are appropriate for the “evidenced based literature” section and the “research synthesis section”. You may also cite official therapy websites such as the Beck Institute for CBT or the EMDR Institute for EMDR, etc.
APA is a standard of practice for the nursing profession. We do not “give” credit in the rubric for APA formatting, as it is the standard expectation, just like turning your work in on time is the standard expectation. With that in mind, if APA formatting is not used for references and citations, 2 points will be deducted from the total project score.