Scenario You work as a Health Psychologist for a Small and Medium Enterprise in the care sector. The purpose of your role is to help people deal with

1)Assignment title : Psychoanalysis and Mental Health

Scenario You work as a Health Psychologist for a Small and Medium Enterprise in the care sector. The purpose of your role is to help people deal with the psychological and emotional aspects of health and illness as well as supporting people who are chronically ill. For example advising people to improve their health or looking at ways on how best to encourage positive behaviours or reduce negative behaviour. Overall your role is to assess and treat clients with a range of mental or physical health issues, conditions and disorders. To meet assessment of this unit, you are required to write a report based on following the given tasks to reflect your understanding, knowledge and skills. 

Task 1 Understand the complex history of the development of psychodynamic approach as a theory and therapy.

AC 1.1. Evaluate the emergence of psychoanalysis and the post-Freudian evolution of psychodynamic approach.

AC 1.2. Locate the causes of distress through psychodynamic perspective.

AC 1.3. Determine the goal and application of psychoanalytic therapy.

1000 words

Task 2 Understand counselling interventions based on psychoanalytic theory.

AC 2.1. Analyse therapy and the skills of an effective therapist.

AC 2.2. Determine the circumstances of counselling intervention.

1000 words

Task 3 Understand psychoanalysis with an emphasis on the psychoanalytic techniques used in therapy.

AC 3.1. . Distinguish between various psychoanalytic techniques.

AC 3.2. Identify the use of each psychoanalytic technique in different circumstances.

AC 3.3. Apply psychoanalytic theory to determine which psychoanalytic technique may prove helpful to resolve problems.

1000 words

2) Assignment title: Exploring Psychology

Scenario You work as a Health Psychologist for a Small and Medium Enterprise in the care sector. The purpose of your role is to help people deal with the psychological and emotional aspects of health and illness as well as supporting people who are chronically ill. For example advising people to improve their health or looking at ways on how best to encourage positive behaviours or reduce negative behaviour. Overall your role is to assess and treat clients with a range of mental or physical health issues, conditions and disorders. To meet assessment of this unit, you are required to write a report based on following the given tasks to reflect your understanding, knowledge and skills.

Task 1 Conduct qualitative enquiry of stereotype threat, racial socialization, LGBTQ psychology and connect it to mental health.

AC 1.1. Evaluate the theory of ‘Critical Psychology and Psychology for Liberation’

AC 1.2. Articulate arguments about current pressing social issues using critical psychology

AC 1.3. Analyse the effect of prejudices and discrimination on an individual’s mental health.

1000 words

Task 2 Understand the critical theory, discourse of postmodernism and application of hermeneutics 

AC 2.1. Evaluate the relationship between power and knowledge

AC 2.2. Analyse the psychology of oppression and use the knowledge to develop solutions to social problems

AC 2.3. Develop solutions to social problems that are practicable and realistic.

1000 words

Task 3 Be able to practise critical psychology and apply the methods of liberation.

AC 3.1. Evaluate critical conscious and double conscious

AC 3.2. Create a model that displays crisis counselling

AC 3.3. Analyse the therapy of capitalism

1000 words 

3) Assignment title Cognitive and Biological Psychology


You work as a Health Psychologist for a Small and Medium Enterprise in the care sector. The purpose of your role is to help people deal with the psychological and emotional aspects of health and illness as well as supporting people who are chronically ill. For example advising people to improve their health or looking at ways on how best to encourage positive behaviours or reduce negative behaviour. Overall your role is to assess and treat clients with a range of mental or physical health issues, conditions and disorders. To meet assessment of this unit, you are required to write a report based on following the given tasks to reflect your understanding, knowledge and skills.

Task 1 Understand neuropsychology and the different brain regions responsible for psychological attributes.

AC 1.1. Evaluate the methods of neuropsychology.

AC 1.2. Locate and determine the functions of the frontal, parietal, occipital and temporal lobe.

1000 WORDS

Task 2 Understand of cognitive psychology, its approach and key issues.

 AC 2.1. Distinguish between traditional and emergent fields of applied cognitive psychology.

AC 2.2. Analyse the philosophical antecedents of cognitive psychology.

1000 WORDS

Task 3 Understand theoretical approaches and improve sensation and attention.

AC 3.1. Analyse the neuropsychological approach to sensation, attention, perception and consciousness.

AC 3.2. Analyse spatial cognition and cognitive map.

1000 WORDS

Task 4 Understand the concept of memory from biological and cognitive perspective.

AC 4.1. Distinguish between models of memory and the processes of memory.

AC 4.2. Analyse the neuropsychological approach to memory.

AC 4.3. Apply the concepts of cognitive psychology in improving memory.

1000 WORDS

5) Assignment title Social and Cultural Psychology and Psychology of Human Development


You work as a Health Psychologist for a Small and Medium Enterprise in the care sector. The purpose of your role is to help people deal with the psychological and emotional aspects of health and illness as well as supporting people who are chronically ill. For example advising people to improve their health or looking at ways on how best to encourage positive behaviours or reduce negative behaviour. Overall your role is to assess and treat clients with a range of mental or physical health issues, conditions and disorders. To meet assessment of this unit, you are required to write a report based on following the given tasks to reflect your understanding, knowledge and skills.

Task 1 Understand how a society develops, thinks and represents ideas.

AC 1.1. Analyse the relationship between mind, society and culture

AC 1.2. Trace the emergence of social issue and its impact based on the principles of social and cultural psychology

1000 WORDS

Task 2 Understand the types of self in social aspects and various applications of social cultural psychology.

AC 2.1. Evaluate the types of self in society including social identities

AC 2.2. Define cognition and culture, social representations, attitudes and attributions, language and communication, social influence, beliefs and inter-group relations.

1000 WORDS

Task 3 Understand human development in psychology

AC 3.1. Evaluate the development of humans especially in childhood and adolescence

AC 3.2. Evaluate different types of development and barriers to development

1000 WORDS

Task 4 Understand the relationship between human development and culture

AC 4.1. Evaluate the impact of culture on an individual’s growth, taking a cross-cultural perspective into account

AC 4.2. Trace developmental problems through the application of theoretical knowledge

1000 WORDS 

6) Assignment title Rehabilitation Psychology


You work as a Health Psychologist for a Small and Medium Enterprise in the care sector. The purpose of your role is to help people deal with the psychological and emotional aspects of health and illness as well as supporting people who are chronically ill. For example advising people to improve their health or looking at ways on how best to encourage positive behaviours or reduce negative behaviour. Overall your role is to assess and treat clients with a range of mental or physical health issues, conditions and disorders. To meet assessment of this unit, you are required to write a report based on following the given tasks to reflect your understanding, knowledge and skills.

Task 1 Understand the pre-history and history of rehabilitation psychology.

 AC 1.1. Evaluate the conceptual foundations of rehabilitation psychology

AC 1.2. Determine the need and scope of rehabilitation and intervention in different circumstances

AC 1.3. Analyse milestone events that have influenced the development of the discipline 

1000 WORDS 

Task 2 Be able to convert theoretical knowledge into practical experiences in community rehabilitation settings.

AC 2.1. Assess the types of rehabilitation facilities

AC 2.2. Provide clients with treatment that is appropriate to their needs

1000 WORDS

Task 3 Understand the requirements of ethical and professional conduct

AC 3.1. Display professional behaviour in rehabilitation settings that meets professional standards

AC 3.2. Analyse the ethical issues in neuropsychological rehabilitation

AC 3.2. Address practical challenges through the application of theoretical knowledge

1000 WORDS

Task 4 Understand disorders and disabilities

AC 4.1. Analyse the links between problems and treatments

AC 4.2. Specify the techniques for different interventions that address the issues identified

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