SEM721 – Engineering Design T3 2024 Assignment Help Assessment task 3: Individual assessment of technical output and teamwork skills
SEM721 – Engineering Design T3 2024 Assignment Help
Assessment task 3: Individual assessment of technical output and teamwork skills
Task description:
This assignment task is based on an individual evaluation and reflection of the technical output, learning experience, skills and behaviours as demonstrated during the team project. In Assignment 3, you will individually evaluate and highlight technical strengths and weaknesses of your output (leaning on your PDS, FMEA and iterative development and testing) and reflect on how well it meets the client’s /end-user’s expectations. You will also reflect on your collaborative efforts and address your peers’ review feedback throughout the trimester. This individual evaluation is to be completed using the template provided and submitted via dropbox in the Assignments folder on the Unit Site. Please note, completion of the formative activities within the unit, will facilitate completion of this Summative Assessment
This assessment has two components:
1: Individual completion of self-and-peer review of teamwork skills (completed via online tool at the time of the team video submission):
The online peer-and-self review (AT3.1) helps you to reflect on your team’s performance and your individual performance and behaviours within the team. When providing feedback, always be professional and transparent (data-driven comments). Your hard-working teammates might be able to use your positive comments in their resumés. On the other side, your constructive critique can help your peers to improve their skills (teamwork, communication, time management, etc.).
2: Individual assessmentof technical outputand teamwork skills using template provided and submitted viadropbox
Submit an individual reflective technical evaluation on the value proposition of your solution to the client via the provided template.
Below is a detailed list and descriptions of each of the assignment activities:
AT3 | Assignment: 3 – Individual assessment of technical output and teamwork skills | ||||
Format | Individual originally written reflection of teamwork skills using the template provided | ||||
Weight | 25% (graded andmarked) | ||||
Due date | Wednesday, 5th of February 2025 08.00pmMelbourne time | ||||
Submission process | Complete the assignment template provided and uploaded via CloudDeakin (Assignment 3 dropbox) as a PDF or DOCX document file | ||||
Assignment: 3 – Prescribed task quality | |||||
Technical assessment highlighting weaknesses of your solution and alignment to Stakeholders’ expectations 20% |
Technical assessment of your specific output from a professional engineering standpoint (300 words use images and bulletpoints) (is yoursolution robust enoughfor an engineering output? – Whatis its readiness level and what does it need to reach the appropriate technical level?) Criticalreflection about howwell your solution meets the stakeholders’ brief and expectations against design requirements and engineering considerations (align to the design challenge and your defined metrics or PDS) (200 words bullet points).
The evaluations must be contained in tables involving deep critical thinking and analysis as well as specific justifications demonstrating your critical thinking. |
Reflective practice on EA Competencies 20% |
Individual reflection of teamwork skills 60% |
Evidence: GSF – Group Skills Factor, Self and Peer assessment ratio, Peer Feedback Comments (3.2, 2.1), Before Self-Evaluation (3.1), After Self-Evaluation (3.3) | ||||
Reflection aboutwhat to be started (50 wordsbullet points) – Contextualise to your circumstances in line withthe content advocated within the unit | |||||
Reflection aboutwhat to be kept (50 wordsbullet points) – Contextualise to your circumstances in line withthe content advocated within the unit | |||||
Team experience summary (100 words) – Contextualise to your circumstances in line with the content advocated within the unit | |||||
Assessment Tasks (AT) | Assignments | Content | Submission | Assignment weight |
Duedate (8pm Melbourne time) |
3: Teamwork | 3.1: INDIVIDUAL teamwork experience comparison – BEFORE | Reflection | FeedbackfFruits |
N/A (part of Assignment 3) |
Week 4: Wednesday 27th of November, 2024 |
3: Teamwork |
3.2: INDIVIDUAL completion of self and peer review of teamwork skills – CHECKIN |
Reflection | FeedbackfFruits |
N/A (part of Assignment 3) |
Week 8: Wednesday 8th of January, 2025 |
2: Team video presentation and project files |
2.1 INDIVIDUAL completion of self and peer review of teamwork skills | Reflection | FeedbackfFruits |
N/A (part of Assignment 2-3) |
Week 10: Tuesday 21st of January, 2025 |
3: Teamwork | 3.3: INDIVIDUAL teamwork experience comparison – AFTER | Reflection | FeedbackfFruits |
N/A (part of Assignment 3) |
Week 10: Tuesday 21st of January, 2025 |
AT3: Unit Learning Outcomes assessed in this task
ULO2: Apply strategic thinking and design engineering methodologies to research and develop ideas and systems to engineer improvements to existing or new solutions.
GLO1: Discipline-specific knowledge and capabilities | GLO3: Digital literacy | GLO4: Critical thinking
UL O3: Design sustainable and environmentally friendly engineering solutions that meet end-users and stakeholders’ expectations, as well as industry standards.
GL O1: Discipline-specific knowledge and capabilities | GLO5: Problem-solving
ULO4: Work as a team to evaluate and communicate the feasibility of an engineering solution and develop a value proposition from a strategic standpoint to address stakeholders’ requirements and overarching global impact.
GL O2: Communication| GL O3: Digital literacy | GL O7: Teamwork | GL O8: Global citizenship