Sport Governance is an emerging field that has grown partly in response to ethical, legal and political problems that have bedevilled sports since its

SR-M42 Managing Sports Integrity and Governance Assignment Guide


Sport Governance is an emerging field that has grown partly in response to ethical, legal and political problems that have bedevilled sports since its shift from amateur cultures to commercial organisational structures. It is an essential element of the management of sport. The development and implementation of standards of good governance in national and international sports are critically surveyed in this module. This ranges broadly across practices and regulations about board membership, functions and structures, to policy development about key ethico-legal concepts: accountability, equity and efficiency, inclusion, integrity, responsibility and transparency.

Learning Outcomes:

On completion of this module students will be able to:
– Demonstrate a detailed analytical knowledge of crises leading to the implementation of good governance in sport
– Critically evaluate policies and practices of good governance of sports organisations
– Critically articulate the governance challenges of integrity threats to sports integrity
– Critically evaluate models of audit and compliance in sports governance 

Assignment 1: Group Presentation (weighted at 25%) 

Critically assess an ethical problem in sports governance 

You can choose the problem you wish to explore. 

We will assign the groups. Each group member should speak for 5 minutes. 

Presentations will be completed during the lecture slots on the last week of the term before the Easter holidays

Assignment 2

Coursework Assignment Details:
This assignment is worth 75% of your total mark
Individual Assignment Brief

Word Limit: The maximum word limit for this Coursework Assignment is 3,000 words  (excluding references, tables, contents page, footnotes, charts, graphs, and figures but including in-text references). The word count must be stated on the assignment cover sheet.

You are required to answer the following essay question:

Q1 Critically discuss an ethical problem arising in the context of sports governance

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