Task- MG630 Change and Organisational Development
MG630 Change and Organisational Development
Module code and title: | MG630 Change and Organisational Development | Module leader: |
Assignment No. and type: | PR1: 10 Minute Individual Presentation + 5 minutes for questions | Assessment weighting: | 40% |
Submission time and date: | Presentation: During Class Time PPT slides to be submitted on BB before 2 pm on Friday 4 April 2025 | Target feedback time and date: | 3 Weeks |
Assignment task |
CONTEXT Miss Macaroon is a niche bakery business based in Birmingham, specializing in high-end macaroons. The business was founded by Rosie Ginday, a trained pastry chef with a strong passion for social entrepreneurship. Miss Macaroon operates as a social enterprise, with profits reinvested to support training and employment opportunities for unemployed young people, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds. Over the past three years, Miss Macaroon has expanded its operations by opening pop-up kiosks in major shopping centres across the West Midlands, alongside its flagship shop in Birmingham. The business now operates four outlets and plans to expand to eight within the next two years. As part of its growth strategy, Miss Macaroon is planning to launch an online customization service for macaroons, allowing customers to design bespoke gifts for nationwide delivery. This service will be supported by an investment in a dedicated e-commerce platform and new packaging facilities at its Birmingham headquarters. The planned expansion and introduction of the online customization service will lead to restructuring within Miss Macaroon. Proposed changes include:
Currently, each kiosk has a store manager and a small team of customer service assistants. Under the new structure, smaller kiosks will be managed by production staff, who will also take on some managerial responsibilities. The flagship shop in Birmingham will continue to have a dedicated store manager and expanded customer service team to handle high foot traffic. While the proposed restructuring aims to streamline operations and support growth, it has caused concerns among current employees. Many staff members feel that the reasons for the changes and their implications have not been clearly explained. This has led to feelings of uncertainty, reduced morale, and a loss of trust in senior management. Rosie Ginday believes that regular team meetings and newsletters have adequately communicated the rationale and benefits of the proposed changes. However, feedback from staff suggests otherwise, with several employees voicing frustration over the lack of consultation and clarity about their future roles. In addition to managing these internal challenges, Miss Macaroon faces significant upfront costs associated with its expansion plans, including:
Some long-serving employees who joined Miss Macaroon in its early days are resistant to changes in their roles, citing discomfort with new responsibilities. Rosie is committed to ensuring the success of the expansion while addressing these employee concerns. To this end, she has engaged your consultancy to help manage the restructuring process and ensure a smooth transition as the company continues to grow. |
This assignment has been designed to provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your achievement of the following module learning outcomes: |
LO 1: Understand the strategic and operational importance of change in organisations |
LO 2: Critically evaluate change management theory, strategies and tactical options including organisation development |
Task requirements |
You have been hired by Miss Macaroon to provide insights into how the business can navigate the VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity) environment it operates in. Before Miss Macaroon commissions a detailed report (CW1), they require a presentation on how change management strategies can assist them and what tactical options are available to ensure resilience and growth during challenging times. You are to:
Presentation Requirements: Group or Individual Work:
Presentation Schedule:
Time Allocation:
Presentation Format:
Groupwork Log:
Presentation Skills:
Recording Requirement:
Referencing and research requirements |
Please reference your work according to the Harvard style as defined in Cite Them Right Online (http://www.citethemrightonline.com). This information is also available in book form: Pears, R. and Shields, G. (2019) Cite them right: the essential reference guide. 11th ed. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Copies are available via the University library. Minimum requirements: 10 references Mixed academically credible sources for example: Core Textbooks, Journals, News Articles, Professional Bodies, Professional and Credible Videos, Professional and Credible Podcasts References older than 10 years must be supported by a more recent reference. |
How your work will be assessed |
Your work will be assessed against the assessment criteria which have been provided at the end of this brief. As this is a group report, a record of individual contribution must be submitted as part of the assignment for all members of the group which details the role played in the creation of the assignment and includes a record of all communications engaged with. These criteria have been designed specifically for this assignment and are intended to measure the extent to which you have demonstrated your achievement of its associated learning outcomes (see above). They have been aligned with the institutional grade descriptor appropriate for your level. The assessment criteria provide a basis for fair and consistent marking and indicate what is expected of you in this assignment. It is strongly recommended that you engage with them while you are working on the assignment and use them in combination with any feedback you receive once your work has been marked to help you plan for future learning and development. |
Submission details |
Before you submit |
Fit to Submit: Assignment Checklist |
This brief assignment checklist is designed to help you avoid some of the most common mistakes students make in their coursework. Have you read the assignment brief? If not, do so now! In it you will find details of the assessment task, word count, the assessment criteria your work is marked against, and the learning outcomes – the basis for the assessment strategy in each module. Students often lose marks by forgetting some of the more straightforward elements of their assignments. We recommend that you “tick off” each of the points below as you prepare your work for submission. If you need any help, ask your tutor and/or visit https://bucks.ac.uk/students/academicadvice/assessment-and-examination Have you read and understood the assessment criteria? Have you met the learning outcomes? You will lose marks and your work may even be failed if you have not. Have you demonstrated you can think and write critically in the completed work? This means you have supported your arguments/explanations appropriately e.g. using relevant academic sources and you have offered discussion points which extends your own or others’ viewpoints to make reasoned conclusions/judgements. Have you maintained an appropriate tone throughout your work? Is your work formal, focused, developed and clear? Have you checked that the referencing in your assignment is in line with your programme requirements? Have you proof-read your work and used spellcheck software to check your spelling and grammar? Have you checked the presentation of your work is as specified by your tutor, for example, are font size, colour, style, line spacing and margins as the tutor specified? Have you kept to the word count (or equivalent)? If you are not sure, check with your tutor. Can you confirm that the work submitted is your own and maintains academic integrity? |