TASK-Reflect on an ethical dilemma case study and outline best practice recommendations to resolve this dilemma in practice using existing legislation

Reflect on an ethical dilemma case study and outline best practice recommendations to resolve this dilemma in practice using existing legislation, policy development in the area and debates around their application in practice to guide your approach.

XGBSHN5013 Applying Health and Social Care Policy, Ethics and Law

Portfolio, Deadline: Friday, 21st March 2025 by noon 

Assessment Pack contents:

Short introduction to the task

Key terms

Key resources

Template to outline structure and content

Rubric to understand marking criteria

Video to explain it

Short Introduction to the Task:

The portfolio will require you to complete several tasks designed to enable you to explore an aspect of social policy and practice relevant to health and social care in more depth.

It will require you to reflect on an ethical dilemma case study and outline best practice recommendations to resolve this dilemma in practice using existing legislation, policy development in the area and debates around their application in practice to guide your approach.

Word Count: 3,000 Word (Not include the references list).

Referencing: Please use the APA referencing guidelines.

Key Terms:

The portfolio is designed to enable you to explore an aspect of social policy and practice relevant to health and social care in more depth.

It will require you to reflect on an ethical dilemma case study and outline your approach to resolving this in practice using existing legislation.

Key Resources:

The tasks are all found on Moodle for you to complete.


Portfolio Section (3,000 words)


Introduction to the portfolio (250 words)

Provide an overview of what the portfolio will cover 

Main Body

Part 1:

Introduce the chosen ethical dilemma (from the selected text or media) and outline what the concerns are

(400 words)

Part 2

Present some wider evidence and facts about how this ethical issue currently affects the health and/or social care of a particular group and its implications if unresolved

(400 words)

A good place to start is to peruse through is Mandelstam, M., 2019. Safeguarding Adults and the Law: An AZ of Law and Practice. Jessica Kingsley Publishers. This should give you an idea on a suitable ethical dilemma to focus on.

Suggestions include:

  • Mental capacity
  • Whistleblowing
  • Managing risk
  • Complaints procedure

You may also want to read the section on Personalisation and risk in the Chapter on Regulatory frameworks, inspection and safeguarding in Thomas, R. (2013). Transforming Adult Social Care: Contemporary Policy and Practice.

Students may also look to recent media reports about an ethical dilemma in health and social care that presents an interesting area for social policy. For example, the recent case of Lucy Letby.

Part 3:

Present an annotated timeline which explores the development of policy in the chosen area that relates to tackling the ethical dilemma

(400 words)

Part 4:

Explain the key components of the current policy and legal framework (including where appropriate statutory guidance on safeguarding, or equality and diversity, etc) which applies to your chosen area

(400 words)

In parts 3 and 4 your task is to explore the current policy framework for your chosen area

For your chosen area,

How has policy developed over a defined period?

What factors have influenced this?

How have they contributed to the development of policy?

What is the current policy framework in your chosen area?

Why do you think it takes this form?

What is the difference between law and statutory guidance and how does this apply in your chosen area?

Part 5:

Explore some of the key ethical and practical challenges for practitioners which arise from working within the current legal and policy context to address the ethical dilemma (400 words)

Part 6:

Conclude with a discussion on your recommendations for best practice in applying policy/legislation to tackle related ethical dilemmas as this in service delivery and provision in the future

(400 words)

In parts 5 and 6, you are expected to evaluate the impact of the current policy framework on both people working in the sector and on service users

How does current policy support or inhibit good practice?

What are the key challenges in putting policy into practice?

How effectively are the needs, rights and aspirations of service users supported by current policy?

How well does policy support diversity and inclusive practice?

What would your recommendations be for more inclusive practice that supports service users?

Conclusion (350 words)

Provide a conclusion to the portfolio and reiterate what you have addressed.







Exceptional First

100, 95, 92

Outstanding 1st/Dist

88, 85, 82


78, 75, 72

2 (i)

68. 65. 62

2 (ii)

58. 55. 52


48. 45. 42


38. 35. 32

Abject Fail

25, 20, 10, 0

Knowledge & Understanding (20%)

Polished grasp of subject. Astute and authoritative approach to complexity.

Comprehensive and confident grasp with a strong sense of subject complexity.

Thorough understanding is evident and well applied to questions or projects.

Secure, general understanding and reasonable application to question or project.

Sound knowledge relevant to the question or project.

Limited knowledge shows basic understanding. Some awareness of the context of the question or project.

Faulty understanding of questions or concepts. Irrelevant or mostly absent content.

No understanding of question or concepts. Irrelevant or absent content.




Effective and integrated over-arching argument or structure, clear, insightful synthesis. Highly creative understanding of topic.

Effective overall argument with clear and insightful connections between claims. Creative understanding of topic. 

Clear and logical focus and direction with valuable connections made between claims.  Good level of creativity. 

Well-focused on the question with some clear connections made between claims and some overall direction.  Some creativity. 

Addresses the topic with some direction and makes some connections between claims or different parts of artefact/assignment.

Argument is weak and difficult to detect. Connections made between statements limited

Lack of argument. Faulty connection between statements.

No argument. Many faulty connections between statements.


Analysis and Conclusions


Original and searching analysis, critical appraisal of task and judicious conclusions.

Searching analysis with pertinent conclusions drawn.

Insightful analysis throughout with appropriate conclusions drawn.

Strong analysis of salient illustrative examples. Some general conclusions drawn.

Some conclusions drawn based on some reasonable comparisons and examples.

Basic analysis. Remains descriptive, little evaluation or comparison. Few clear conclusions.

Insufficient evaluation or attempt to make comparisons. Conclusions illogical insufficient.

No evaluation or attempt to make comparisons. Conclusions illogical or absent.


Sources & Evidence

Adherence to

Referencing Conventions,

Technical Skills


Extensive and evaluative use of evidential support for argument.

Flawless referencing or technical skills

Extensive use of evidence with some evaluation.

Flawless referencing or technical skills.

Clear support of argument with well selected evidence.

Excellent referencing or technical skills.

Draws on relevant independent sources and evidence to support claims.

Consistent and accurate referencing or technical skills.

Makes simple use of evidence from recommended sources.

Largely consistent accurate referencing. or technical skills.

Relies on superficial statements with little supporting evidence.

Limited referencing/ adherence to convention or technical skills.

Lack of evidence or relevant sources.

Inadequate referencing or technical skills.

No evidence or relevant sources.

Inadequate or no referencing or technical skills.




Style & Clarity



Professional and sophisticated with exceptional clarity and coherence. Excellent, controlled, confident delivery, pace, and audience engagement.

Professional and fluent with great clarity and coherence. Confident delivery, pace, and audience engagement

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