Task0 Using Tableau, connect the data set, US HC Expenditures in “MSDA 673 M2 HW Data file.xlsx”. Create a line chart to show yearly cost trends b
Using Tableau, connect the data set, US HC Expenditures in “MSDA 673 M2 HW Data file.xlsx”.
Create a line chart to show yearly cost trends by categories (use Categories, Date, and Cost to create a line (continuous) chart)
Format the chart:
make the chart fit the entire view
show the Category in the chart (drag and drop Category on Label)
edit the x-axis: remove the axis title and increase the interval of the values to 5 (check out demo video 2-3 starting from 9:00 minutes)
Add a title
Rename the worksheet tab
Answer the question: Which category had the greatest rise in comparison to others?
Visual 2 (8 points): Area Chart
Using the same data set, US HC Expenditures in “MSDA 673 M2 HW Data file.xlsx”. (you do not need to import it again, just add a new worksheet in Tableau)
Create an area chart to show yearly cost trends by categories (use Categories, Date, and Cost to create an area (continuous) chart)
Format the chart:
make the chart fit the entire view
show the Category in the chart; allow labels to overlap other marks (click Label and check the options)
Sort the categories based on the field of Cost (check out demo video 2-3 starting from 6:30 minutes)
Change the color to blue with different saturations (check out demo video 2-3 starting from 7:10 minutes)
edit the x-axis: remove the axis title and increase the interval of the values to 5 (check out demo video 2-3 starting from 9:00 minutes)
Add a title
Rename the worksheet tab
Answer the question: What category had the greatest impact on the total Cost increase?
Note: We use the same dataset to create the line chart and area chart. Which chart should be used is determined by your visualization purpose. The line chart emphasizes the comparison of categories while the area chart emphasizes the part-to-whole relationship.
Visual 3 (8 points): Pie Chart
Using Tableau, connect the data set, 2018 MA MVA by county in “MSDA 673 M2 HW Data file.xlsx”.
Create a pie chart to show Motor Vehicle Accidents with Injury (counts) by County
Format the chart:
make the chart fit the entire view
show the County name and MVA with Injury (counts) in the chart
change the number of counts into percent of the total (check out demo video 2-4 starting from 2:00 minutes)
make the color of the label match the color of the marks
(optional): hide the color card (County) on the right side of the screen since a color legend is not needed.
Add a title
Rename the worksheet tab
Answer the question: Which county had the highest number of motor vehicle accidents with injuries in 2018?
Visual 4 (12 points): Deviation Chart
Using the same data set, Clinic Patients Demographics in “MSDA 673 M2 HW Data file.xlsx”.
Create two calculated fields: BMI and BMI Deviation
BMI refers to Body Mass Index, which is a measure of body fat based on height and weight. It is calculated by dividing a person’s weight in kilograms by their height in meters squared. A person with a BMI of 30 or higher is considered to have obese.
Create a clustered (side-by-side) bar chart showing Average BMI Deviation by Race/Ethnicity and Gender.
Format the chart:
make the chart fit the entire view
highlight bars using BMI Deviation (drag and drop BMI Deviation on the Color and change the measure into Average)
change the color into Orange-Blue Diverging (check out demo video 2-5 starting from 5:45 minutes)
Show Mark Labels
Hide field labels for the column (Hide Race/Ethnicity on the top of the chart)
Add a title
Rename the worksheet tab
Answer the question: Which races/ethnicities and genders are more likely to experience obesity?
Visual 5 (9 points): Small Multiple Chart
Duplicate the Deviation Chart (right-click the tab of visual 4 and select duplicate)
Create a calculated field: Senior Adults
Drag and drop Senior Adults in the Rows
Format the chart:
Show Mark Labels
change the format of the zero line: thicker dash line in dark gray (check out demo video 2-5 starting from 6:50 minutes)
change the value on the y-axis: False Middle Aged; True Senior Adults (right-click False/True, select Edit Alias)
Hide field labels for the rows (hide Senior Adults at the top left corner)
Add a title
Rename the worksheet tab
Based on the chart, what key insights can be derived? (It’s important to note that this dataset is based on a relatively small number of observations. As such, the conclusions drawn from this data may not accurately reflect real-world trends. You just need to describe the findings shown in the chart.)
Submission (5 points):
Save your work as (*.twbx) file and name it “MSDA 673 M2 HW – Your Name”.
Submit it to your Tableau Public account
Paste the link here:
Submit this word document and your tableau file to the blackboard.