The assessment consists of a single, individually produced film report (presentation), carrying a 100% weighting. This task evaluates each student’s independent work and performance.

Assignment task

The assessment consists of a single, individually produced film report (presentation), carrying a 100% weighting. This task evaluates each student’s independent work and performance. In addition to the film, students are required to submit a concise portfolio of evidence supporting their work.

Task Overview

Students are tasked with identifying a specific customer need, problem, or business opportunity within the fast fashion sector. This must address Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) issues or a combination of these. Using the tools and methodologies provided during the module, students will develop creative and innovative solutions. The task involves selecting the most viable solution, designing an implementation plan for the following 12 months, and conducting an innovation audit to preemptively address potential challenges.

  • Choose a specific customer need, problem, or business opportunity related to the fast fashion sector. Examples include reducing textile waste, promoting sustainable consumption, introducing circular fashion initiatives, enhancing transparency in supply chains, or providing affordable ethical options for consumers.
  • Analyze the chosen issue or opportunity in the context of Environmental, Social, and Governance considerations. Assess how the proposed solution could minimize environmental impact, enhance social responsibility, and align with ethical business practices.
  • Utilize creative and innovation tools to generate multiple potential solutions for the identified issue. Possible solutions could include integrating second-hand product lines, developing repair and reuse initiatives, launching eco-friendly materials, offering transparency-focused apps, or creating sustainable in-store experiences.
  • Select the most appropriate solution based on its potential impact, feasibility, and alignment with the identified issue or opportunity. Justify your choice with evidence and relevant data.
  • Develop a detailed implementation plan for the chosen solution over the next 12 months. Include essential steps, required resources, stakeholder engagement strategies, and a timeline.
  • Apply an innovation audit methodology to anticipate potential challenges in implementing the solution. Consider factors such as consumer acceptance, regulatory compliance, operational feasibility, resource availability, and alignment with ESG principles.
  • Provide evidence-based recommendations to mitigate the challenges identified during the innovation audit. Propose strategies to address risks, secure necessary resources, ensure compliance with local and global regulations, and foster stakeholder and community support.


  • The film report presentation should highlight your ability to independently analyse, innovate, and strategize. Demonstrate your understanding of the relationship between sustainable practices, ethical considerations, and the fast fashion industry.
  • Your presentation should effectively communicate the selected solution, its feasibility, and your approach to overcoming potential hurdles.
  • Presentation format:
    • The filmed report must include your presence as part of the content and not rely solely on voice-over narration.
    • Creativity and imagination are strongly encouraged to enhance engagement. Aim to present as a junior executive addressing a board of directors or potential investors.
  • Supporting Evidence Portfolio:
    • Your portfolio should highlight your contributions to the task and include elements such as research findings (primary and secondary), reports, diagrams (e.g., mind maps, rich picture diagrams), photographs, and notes.
    • Links to complementary external resources (e.g., YouTube videos, blogs, podcasts) may also be included, provided there is a clear connection between the portfolio and the filmed report.
  • Length and Submission:
    • The film report should be 8–10 minutes, with a small variation of +/-10%.
    • Submit the portfolio and the filmed report separately using the designated submission points.

Your portfolio should reflect your personal effort and contributions, showcasing how you approached the task with thoroughness and dedication. Your filmed report should be engaging and dynamic, presenting you as a capable junior executive with a flair for imaginative communication.

Key Independent Learning Activities, Employability Skills, and Stretch Activities

  • Develop a comprehensive understanding of constructing innovation-driven activities and initiatives.
  • Apply advanced creative problem-solving techniques and methodologies.
  • Identify key information needs using core textbooks and reputable sources to build innovation, change, and commercial acumen.
  • Conduct searches using commercial databases, research reports, and credible sources to support evidence-based arguments for the identified issue and proposed solution.
  • Undertake primary research using business research methodologies such as field observations, surveys, archival research, and interviews.
  • Demonstrate independent leadership and, where applicable, the ability to lead others effectively.
  • Utilize technology to plan, produce, and edit high-quality video content.
  • Exhibit junior executive-level presentation skills through a professional, engaging, and creative delivery.


This assignment has been designed to provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your achievement of the following module learning outcomes:

LO1: Apply an evaluative approach to a range of business data, sources of information and appropriate methodologies in identifying drivers of innovation within a business and its environments.

LO2: Analyse and illustrate how organisations can successfully plan, prepare and manage innovation and creative activities.

LO3: Critically discuss the importance of organisational knowledge, knowledge transfer and cross functional co-operation in order to analyse and assess innovation capability and blockages.

LO4: Actively engage in the identification of an innovative and/or creative solution for an identified business or organizational need.

LO5: Conduct an innovation development audit appropriate for the introduction of the new product/service.


Practicalities: Referencing, presenting and submitting your work

Please see your programme handbook for information on the standard referencing style, presentational requirements and process for submitting your work.

Please reference your work using the Harvard style as defined in Cite Them Right Online (

  • All students must present on screen.
  • Film presentations must be capable of being uploaded to the BB submission point.
  • Students should submit a copy of their presentation as an e-mail attachment to the module lecturer or provide a link to a web host service as a back-up to their Blackboard submission.
  • Portfolios are individual pieces of work and can be submitted in any appropriate format as outlined below.
  • Pages should be numbered.
  • All work to be submitted as Arial 11 font with line and a half spacing.
  • All writing should be in the third person passive unless directed otherwise.
  • Written work must be word-processed.
  • The module title and code number must be clearly marked on the front cover.
  • Work you submit for assessment must be properly referenced – a guide to the Harvard system of referencing can be found on the Bucks website at
  • You may seek clarification from the module tutor at any time.
  • There is no excuse for failing to submit your work in accordance with the guidance, work that does not meet the necessary standards in that respect will be marked accordingly.
  • You are required to submit your work electronically. Please use the relevant submission point in the Submit your work area in your Blackboard module shell at the time and date specified.
  • Please ensure that your work has been saved in an appropriate file format. Turnitin will only accept the following file types: Microsoft Word, Excel or PowerPoint, PostScript, PDF, HTML, RTF, OpenOffice (ODT), Hangul (HWP), Google Docs, or plain text. Your file must also contain at least 20 words of text, consist of fewer than 400 pages and be less than 40MB in size.  Film files can be uploaded from mobile phone devices and laptop computers and visual and audio files. 
  • You can submit your file as many times as you like before the submission date. If you do submit your file more than once, your earlier submission will be replaced by the most recent version.

Once you have submitted your file, you will receive a digital receipt as proof of submission, which will be sent to your forwarded e-mail address (provided you have set this up). Please keep this receipt for future reference, along with the original electronic copy of the file.

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