Using the library database, find an article regarding group counseling. The article must be from a professional journal. Write a paper on the article
Article Review Rubric
General Instructions
Using the library database, find an article regarding group counseling. The article must be from a professional journal. Write a paper on the article and specific address the following components: Summarize the article, critique the article by answering these questions:
• How is this work useful an aspiring counselor?
• How does this work contribute to the field of counseling?
• What new research do the authors generate by writing this article?
• What limitations were found in the current research/study?
• Identify the group dynamics associated with group process and development.
• What are the therapeutic factors and how they contribute to group effectiveness?
• Outline characteristics and functions of effective group leaders.
Scoring Guidelines
Points available: 100.
Component Unacceptable Acceptable Target
Theory Origin: The response must include a history of the theory, the theorist(s) associated
with the development of or contribution to the theory, and the
fundamental principles
and use for the therapy in a group setting Underdeveloped review that is missing
information in two or
more of the following
areas: thorough history, theorist(s) connections, fundamental principles, uses of the theory in a
group counseling setting.
(0 points) Well-developed review, but information is
missing in one of the
following areas: thorough history, theorist(s) connections,
fundamental principles, uses of the theory in a
group counseling setting.
(10 points) Well-developed review that includes a thorough history, theorist(s)
connections, and the
fundamental principles
and uses of the theory in a group counseling setting. (20 points)
Summary of Article:
Should consist of purpose of the study,
rationale, methods or
procedures used, and results. Summary excludes information regarding the purpose, rationale,
methods or procedures, or results. (0 points) Summary includes information regarding the purpose, rationale,
methods or procedures, and results, but lacks sufficient detail.
(10 points) Well developed summary that includes a thorough explanation of the
articles purpose,
rationale, methods or
procedures, and results.
(20 points)
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Component Unacceptable Acceptable Target
Critique of Article:
(1) Identify the group dynamics associated
with group process and development.
(2) What are the therapeutic factors and how they contribute to
group effectiveness?
(3) Identify the characteristics and
functions of effective group leaders.
(4) How is this work useful to an aspiring counselor?
(5) How does this work contribute to the field of counseling?
(6) What new research do the authors generate by writing this article?
(7) What limitations were found in the current research/study? Critique is missing information addressing
one or more of the four questions posed.
(0 points) Critique provides responses to all seven
questions posed, but insuffient detail is included. (15 points) Well developed critique with thorough responses
to all seven questions posed. (30 points)
Is correct sentence structure utilized? Contains multiple and serious errors of
sentence structure: i.e., fragments, run-ons;
unable to write simple sentences. (0 points) Formulaic sentence patterns or overuse of
simple sentences; errors
in sentence structure.
(5 points) Effective and varied sentences; errors (if
present) due to lack of
careful proofreading.
(10 points)
Are proper mechanics utilized? Numerous errors in spelling and
capitalization; intrusive and/or inaccurate punctuation;
communication is hindered. (0 points) Contains several punctuation, spelling, and/or capitalization
errors (up to 6); errors
may or may not interfere with meaning. (5 points) Virtually free of punctuation, spelling,
capitalization errors (no
more than 3); errors do not interfere with meaning. (10 points)
Is APA format followed?
Contains many and/or serious APA format errors. (0 points) Contains several minor
APA format errors (up to 3). (5 points) Both in-text citations and reference list are free from error. (10 points)
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