Using the same data set, Surgical Data in “MSDA 673 M1 HW Data file.xlsx”. (you do not need to import it again, just add a new worksheet in Tablea
- You are now ready to manipulate and visualize the data.
- Please download the attached “MSDA 673 M1 HW Data file.xlsx”
- Add your full name to the title of each chart (e.g. Chart A by Ying Wang). Otherwise, I will give you 0 points.
- Be sure to save your Tableau file as “.twbx” type, upload it to your Tableau Public account, and paste the link in this file.
Visual 1 (7 points): Text Table
- Using Tableau, connect the data set, Preoperative Risk Factors in “MSDA 673 M1 HW Data file.xlsx”.
- Create a text table to show Comparison % and Hospital % by Preoperative Risk Factors.
- Modify the chart size manually to show all text information completely.
- Add a title
- Rename the worksheet tab
- Hide field labels for the row
Visual 2 (7 points): Horizontal Bar Chart
- Using the same data set, Preoperative Risk Factors in “MSDA 673 M1 HW Data file.xlsx”. (you do not need to import it again, just add a new worksheet in Tableau)
- Create a horizontal bar chart to show Comparison % by Preoperative Risk Factors
- Format the chart:
- Sort the bars in descending order
- add labels to the bars
- make the chart fit the entire view
- Add a title
- Rename the worksheet tab
- Hide field labels for the row; uncheck ‘Show header” for the x-axis
- Answer the question: Which preoperative risk factor has the highest comparison %?
Visual 3 (7 points): Highlighted Table
- Using Tableau, connect the data set, Surgical Data in “MSDA 673 M1 HW Data file.xlsx”.
- Create a highlighted table to show Turnover (minutes) by Service and Add-on vs Scheduled Flag
- Modify the chart size manually to show all text information completely.
- Add a title
- Rename the worksheet tab
- Hide field labels for the row
- Answer the question: What type of surgery has the highest turnover?
Visual 4 (7 points): Clustered (Side-by-Side) Bar Chart
- Using the same data set, Surgical Data in “MSDA 673 M1 HW Data file.xlsx”. (you do not need to import it again, just add a new worksheet in Tableau)
- Create a clustered bar chart to show Room Minutes Actual and Room Minutes Scheduled by Service.
- Format the chart:
- Change the colors based on your preference
- Show mark labels (show numbers of room minutes for each bar)
- make the chart fit the entire view
- adjust the size of the x-axis label to show labels completely
- Add a title; make the colors of the corresponding text consistent with the colors used in the visual.
- Rename the worksheet tab
- Hide field labels for the column (Hide Service on the top of the chart)
- Answer the question: Which service has the highest value of Room Minutes Actual?
Visual 5 (7 points): Stacked Bar Chart
- Using the same data set, Surgical Data in “MSDA 673 M1 HW Data file.xlsx”. (you do not need to import it again, just add a new worksheet in Tableau)
- Create a stacked bar chart to show Surgical Site Infection by Service and Add-on vs Scheduled Flag.
- Format the chart:
- Show mark labels (the number of surgical site infections for each bar)
- make the chart fit the entire view
- Add a title
- Rename the worksheet tab
- Hide field labels for the column (Hide Service on the top of the chart)
- Answer the question: Which service has the highest surgical site infection?
Submission (5 points):
- Save your work as (*.twbx) file and name it “MSDA 673 M1 HW – Your Name”.
- Submit it to your Tableau Public account
- Paste the link here:
- Submit this word document and your tableau file to the blackboard.