You are required to write a report entitled ‘The approaches to developing, managing and leading teams’. To complete the report you are requir

CMI L5 Principles of Developing Managing and Leading Individuals and Teams to Achieve Success

Learner Instructions:

Each task in this assessment has been developed to enable you to evidence achievement of the learning outcomes and assessment criteria for Developing, Managing and Leading Individuals and Teams to Achieve Success.

Each of the assessment criteria must gain a pass outcome for you to successfully achieve the unit.

Preparation for the assessment

Before you begin the assessment please complete the pre-workshop/webinar and post-workshop/webinar learning journeys available via the MOL virtual learning environment (VLE).

Completing the assessment

  • The assessment contains a series of tasks which are clearly referenced to the relevant assessment criteria.
  • Refer to the Assessment Guidance Table at the end of the assessment which outlines the requirements for a Pass or Refer.
  • Evidence must be provided in the main body of the assessment document. Appendices are not a requirement of this assessment brief. If appendices are included these will not be marked or moderated.
  • Files embedded in the booklet must not exceed 10MB.
  • The assessment must be completed in a professional manner (eg applying business conventions for writing formal reports) and by using Microsoft Word.
  • The assessment must be saved as a Word document (.doc or .docx) and not in a PDF format.
  • An appropriate referencing system (such as Harvard Referencing) must be used to ensure the original source(s) of quotations or models can be verified.
  • You must sign the Learner Authenticity statement (an electronic signature is accepted).

Learner Information:

Learner statement of authenticity:

I confirm that the attached completed assessment is all my own work, and does not include any work completed by anyone other than myself. I have completed the assignment in accordance with the Institute’s approved instructions.

Tick here to opt out

I consent for this assignment to be used for assessment standardisation and where appropriate, for the dissemination of good practice, on the understanding that the content is anonymised.

Centre statement of authenticity:

On behalf of MOL, I confirm that the above mentioned learner is registered at the centre on a Chartered Management Institute (CMI) programme of study. The learner is, to the best of my knowledge, the sole author of the completed assignment.

Guideline Word Count:

The written word, however generated and recorded, is still expected to form the majority of assessable work produced by Learners at Level 5. The amount and volume of work for this unit should be broadly comparable to a word count of 3,500-4,000 words.

The following are excluded from the word count if used and not required by the assessment brief – an introduction to a job role, organisation or department, index or contents pages, diagrams, charts and graphs, reference list or bibliography, reflective statement drawn from undertaking the assessment and how this has impacted the learner’s work.

Approaches to Developing, Managing and Leading Teams

Understanding approaches to developing, managing and leading teams is an essential management skill. Managers must have a thorough understanding of theoretical models for developing, managing and leading teams to be effective in their role.  This needs to be complimented by the ability to practically apply theoretical approaches in the workplace, specifically when managing team leaders and multiple and remote teams.

Task 1

You are required to write a report entitled ‘The approaches to developing, managing and leading teams’.

To complete the report you are required to:

  1. Evaluate the use of a minimum of TWO (2) theoretical models for developing, managing and leading teams (AC1.1)
  2. Discuss practical approaches for effective team management and leadership (AC1.2)
  3. Analyse strategies for managing team leaders (AC1.3)
  4. Develop approaches to respond to the challenges of managing and leading multiple and remote teams (AC1.4)

Guidance for completion of Task 1

  • The report should include sub headings. You may choose to include tables and diagrams (as appropriate) to support your discussion.
  • Your discussion should be underpinned with relevant theoretical principles.
  • You may use well-chosen examples from an organisation you know well or have researched.
  • Please refer to the indicative content for each assessment criteria (AC) outlined in the unit specification

Approaches To Achieving A Balance Of skills And Experience In Team

Organisational success is realised when teams achieve their objectives.  This assessment task has been written to enable managers to evidence their understanding of how to evaluate team capabilities, the recruitment processes for achieving a balanced team, and the learning and development activities (including coaching and mentoring) which support team success.


You have been asked to manage a new department responsible for human resources and payroll.  This function had previously been outsourced to another organisation.

A number of team members have been recruited from within the organisation to fulfil administrative and team leader roles, however, the team is not yet at full capacity.

One of your first tasks is to assess the current and future capabilities of the team to identify vacancies for qualified staff.

You then need to ensure team members are equipped with the knowledge and skills to work effectively in the department.

You have been given approval from the senior management team to recruit team members, as well as a budget for targeted learning and development activities (including coaching and mentoring) to support the team to achieve its goals.

Task 2

Basing your response on the scenario given above or an organisation you know well or have researched, write a report entitled ‘Approaches to achieving a balance of skills and experience in a team’.

 To complete the report you are required to:

  1. Evaluate techniques that can be used for assessing current and future capabilities and requirements of a team (AC2.1)
  2. Analyse a process for recruiting team members (AC2.2)
  3. Assess the factors which will impact on the learning and development activities selected for individuals and teams (AC2.3)
  4. Examine the use of coaching and mentoring models to support team development (AC2.4)

Guidance for completion of Task 2

  • The report should include sub headings.  You may choose to include tables and diagrams (as appropriate) to support your discussion.
  • Your discussion should be underpinned with relevant theoretical principles.
  • You are encouraged to consider the use of well-chosen examples from an organisation you know well or have researched.
  • Please refer to the indicative content for each assessment criteria (AC) outlined in the unit specification.

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Techniques For Leading Individuals And Teams To Achieve Success

 The ability to develop a high performing team is an aspiration that can be achieved if the foundation for monitoring and managing individual and team performance is in place. 

 This assessment task will enable managers to discuss methods for monitoring and managing team performance and evidence how good practice approaches and motivational techniques can be used to optimise team performance.

Task 3

Task 3a

From the list shown below, write an account discussing THREE (3) methods that can be used for monitoring and managing individual and team performance (AC3.1).

From the list shown below, write an account discussing THREE (3) methods that can be used for monitoring and managing individual and team performance (AC3.1).


HR systems and processes Internal and external quality standards Audit
Customer feedback, opinions and reviews SMART objectives Key performance indicators (KPIs)
Scorecards (e.g. Balanced Scorecard, Kaplan and Norton, 1992) Error rates Output
Benchmarks and targets Service level agreements (SLAs) Speed of response
Structured performance reviews 180o/360 o feedback Disciplinary procedures

Task 3b

Using examples, write an account on the approaches and techniques that can be used to lead individuals and teams to success.  To complete the account:

  1. Evaluate good practice approaches which can be used for enabling and supporting high performing teams (AC3.2)
  2. Analyse motivational techniques that can be used to create high performing teams (AC3.3)

Guidance for completion of Tasks 3a and b

  • The account should include sub headings.  You may choose to include tables and diagrams (as appropriate).
  • You are encouraged to undertake independent research on theoretical principles/models and organisational frameworks and approaches for leading individuals and teams to success.
  • You are encouraged to consider the use of well-chosen examples from an organisation you know well or have researched.
  • Refer to the indicative content for each assessment criteria (AC) outlined in the unit specification.

Assesment Marksheet

Learning Outcomes

LO1: Understand approaches to developing, managing and leading teams

LO2: Understand approaches to achieving a balance of skills and experience in teams

LO3: Know techniques for leading individuals and teams to achieve success

Assessment Results

Assessment criteria

Task 1:

1.1 Evaluate the use of theoretical models for developing, managing and leading teams

1.2 Discuss practical approaches for effective team management and leadership

1.3 Analyse strategies for managing team leaders

1.4 Develop approaches to respond to the challenges of managing and leading multiple and remote teams

Task 2

2.1 Evaluate techniques for assessing current and future team capabilities and requirements

2.2 Analyse a process for recruiting team members

2.3 Assess the factors which impact on the selection of learning and development activities for individuals and teams

2.4 Examine the use of coaching and mentoring models to support team development

Task 3a

3.1 Discuss methods used to monitor and manage individual and team performance

3.2 Evaluate good practice for enabling and supporting high performing teams

3.3 Analyse motivational techniques used to create high performing teams

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