You are working as a Design Engineer in a manufacturing facility where the automation and material handling plays a major role in the line assembly. Y

Problem Statement: You are working as a Design Engineer in a manufacturing facility where the automation and material handling plays a major role in the line assembly. Your manager/supervisor has assigned you a task of lifting component(s) from a conveyer belt. You have been provided parts (SolidWorks CAD files) only. You are required to understand the mechanism and put the parts together tomake anAssemblyso the mechanism can later be put together by a team of technicians working in a mass production line. Be an engineer and using SolidWorks createtheAssemblyandamenditas neededtocreatetheproperlyfunctioning FastActing Clamp Mechanism. Please refer to the figures shown below as well as the Functioning Clamp demonstration video (mp4 file).





These amendments can help you successfully complete your Project. Each amendment has a video associated to it. Make sure to watch the videos as they will be of great help in achieving each necessary amendment.

  • Make surethattheassemblymovesproperly(ScrewmatebetweenShaftandHingeB).

Note:Thescrewoftheassemblyhasa cosmeticthreadbutismated inasimilarway to that of a normal screw.Align your fasteners and then use the faces with the cosmetic threads to create the screw mate.

  • Make sure parts have reduced interferences.

Note:Inthecaseofthescrewassembly interferencesshouldn’tbemorethan0.02in3, in all other cases interferences should be no more than 0.01 in3.

ExpertTip:UseHingeBasyourmainreferenceandfromtherealignallyourpins using a midplane to make them centrally aligned with respect to the midplane of Hinge B. This will ensure proper alignment of all your fasteners in the center.


  • Thereareseveralpintypes(makesuretoplacethemintheirappropriatelocation–seeFigure 3 – Exploded View).
  • Remember thatoneof theparts in theassembly should befixed.Wesuggestfixing theright support and thus we suggest that’s the first part you include in your assembly.
  • Allpartsotherthantherightsupportmustfloat,withtheirrespectivepositionsdefinedusing the assembly mates.
  • UseaLimitmate (Limit Distanceor LimitAngle) to control theassembly’srangeof motion to match the movement demonstrated in the provided video(Extra-Credit).
  • Thegripmustremainverticalthroughouttherangeofmotion.
  • Allpinsandhinges mustbecenteredwithrespecttothetwosupports.
  • Youmaynotusethe“Lock”mate,butyoumayselecttheoptiontolockrotationina Concentricmatetofullydefineacylindricalcomponent(pin)withnootheruseablefeatures.
  • Thehandlemustbecenteredwithrespecttotheshaft.


YouwillsubmitaZippedfilewhichshouldincludeyourAssemblyfileandallyourAssembly Part filesusing the following convention:

Project_1_Last_Nameby the submission date detailed above.InstructionsonhowtoUnzipProjectFilesandSaveAssembly

The folder provided with part files should be downloaded and unzipped before starting with your assembly. Follow these steps:

Step 1.- Create a new folder (you can name it – Project_1_Last_Name). Step 2.- Download part file.

Step3.-UnzipfileandExtractAllFiles. Step 3a.-Ignore MacOS folder.

Step 4.- Save extracted part files into your Project_1_Last_Name folder.

Step 5.- Go to SolidWorks create Assembly and save assembly in your Project_1_Last_Name folder.

Step 6.- Once you’ve completed your assembly Compress (ZIP) your Project_1_Last_Name folder (which will contain your part files and assembly) and submit on Canvas.

Note:Ifyouonlysubmityourassemblyfile,yourassemblywon’tworkwhenopenedforgrading in SolidWorks.


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