You work in the L&D team of a large, successful manufacturing organisation. Much of the success of the organisation is due to the ongoing development
This unit focuses on how digital technology can be used to enhance learning and development engagement. It looks at existing and emerging learning technologies, the design of digital content and how the effective curation of resources can support learning. The unit also explores the skills of online facilitation and how these can be applied to maximise learner engagement in online learning experiences.
Task One – Written responses to questions
This task seeks to assess your knowledge and understanding of advances in digital learning and development.
To complete the task, you should read the scenario below and respond to the instructions.
You work in the L&D team of a large, successful manufacturing organisation. Much of the success of the organisation is due to the ongoing development of new products and the continuous improvement of systems and services. This has required fast and effective employee training, and much work has been done by your team to complement in-person training events with a range of technology-based options. Employees can access a range of videos, tutorials and learning
resources, either via their own devices or via terminals in the organisation’s learning centre, and managers have been trained and encouraged to provide short just-in-time online training sessions as required. This is all working well.
As a result of your team’s success in this area, you have been asked to lead a session at a conference for managers and L&D professionals, entitled ‘Advances in Digital Learning &
Development’. The organisers say that there is no requirement to talk about your organisation in particular, but as a successful experienced practitioner they would like you to share your general knowledge, advice, and recommendations.
To help you prepare and pitch the session effectively, you decide to research and respond to the tasks given below. This will help to support your session and provide a follow-up resource for your attendees.
Prepare a written response for each of the tasks 1 – 8.
Remember that, at this level, it is important that your responses include reference to wider reading as well as practical examples, to expand your responses and illustrate key points in your answers.
You should also ensure that your overall, your responses are within the stipulated word count (see below).
- Evaluate how the development of technology and digital collaboration has impacted the design and delivery of learning and development over the last decade. (AC 1.1)
- Assess the main risks and/challenges of technology-based L&D – for both organisations and learners – including how these are being addressed. (AC 1.2)
- Assess how your role, as an L&D professional, has been impacted by emerging L&D technologies. (AC 1.3)
- Summarise two different types of digital learning content and, for each, how you might use them. (AC 2.1)
- Discuss two ways in which the choice of digital learning content can impact the effectiveness of learning and levels of engagement. (AC 2.2)
- Explain the key principles that someone who wants to start curating learning materials for their team, which might include specific needs, should be aware of. (AC 2.3)
- Discuss the key differences between facilitating a live online learning activity and facilitating a face-to-face learning activity and the implications of these for both the facilitator and the learners. (AC 3.1)
- For someone who is planning their CPD, assess the skills they need to be an effective facilitator of online learning activities (AC 3.2)
Task Two – Recorded session
Scenario continued (Task 2 continues the scenario from Task 1.)
The conference organisers have also asked you to respond to the question they’ve received in
advance from one of the attendees, who said:
‘I already deliver short group learning sessions online, using TEAMS or ZOOM, but these are basically just me explaining something, with a bit of Q&A at the end. What skills or techniques do you use to make your sessions more interesting?’.
To respond to this question, you have decided to show a video/recording of a live online learning session that you have previously facilitated.
Facilitate and record a live online learning session, with at least two learners, in which you demonstrate at least two online facilitation skills, for example:
- use of polls
- break-out rooms
- whiteboards
- shared screens
- embedded video
- virtual icebreakers
- engagement activities
- participation monitoring techniques
- support with technology (AC 3.3)
Assessment Criteria Evidence Checklist
You may find the following checklist helpful to make sure that you have included the required evidence to meet the task. This is not a mandatory requirement as long as it is clear in your submission where the assessment criteria have been met.
Task 1 – Assessment criteria |
Evidenced Y/N |
Evidence reference |
1.1 |
Evaluate how the development of technology and digital collaboration has impacted the design and delivery of learning and development over time. |
1.2 |
Assess the risks and challenges technology-based learning and development poses, and how these are being addressed for:
1.3 |
Assess the impact of emerging learning technologies on the role of L&D professional. |
2.1 |
Summarise different types of digital learning content including the applications of each. |
2.2 |
Discuss how the choice of digital learning content impacts the effectiveness of learning and levels of engagement. |
2.3 |
Explain key principles of curating engaging learning content to address a specific need. |
3.1 |
Discuss how facilitation of a live online learning activity can differ from facilitation of a face-to-face learning activity and the implications of this for:
3.2 |
Assess the main skills required to facilitate online learning activities. |
Task 2 – Assessment criteria |
Evidenced Y/N |
Evidence reference |
3.3 |
Demonstrate online facilitation skills within a live online learning activity. |
Declaration of Authentication
Declaration by learner
I can confirm that:
I understand the consequences of malpractice and accept that any violation of this agreement may result in disciplinary action. |
Learner name: |
Learner signature: |
Date* *This should be the date on which you submit your assessment |
Assessment Criteria marking descriptors.
Assessors will mark in line with the following assessment criteria (AC) marking descriptors, and will indicate where the learner sits within the marking band range for each AC.
Assessors must provide a mark from 1 to 4 for each assessment criteria within the unit. Assessors should use the mark descriptor grid as guidance so they can provide comprehensive feedback that is developmental for learners. Please be aware that not all the mark descriptors will be present in every assessment criterion, so assessors must use their discretion in making grading decisions.
The grid below shows the range for each unit assessment result based on total number of marks awarded across all assessment criteria.
To pass the unit assessment learners must achieve a 2 (Low Pass) or above for each of the assessment criteria.
The overall result achieved will dictate the outcome the learner receives for the unit, provided
NONE of the assessment criteria have been failed or referred.
Please note that learners will receive a Pass or Fail result from the CIPD at unit level. Referral grades can be used internally by the centre.
Overall mark |
Unit result |
0 to 17 |
Fail |
18 to 22 |
Low Pass |
23 to 29 |
Pass |
30 to 36 |
High Pass |
Marking Descriptors
Mark |
Range |
Descriptor |
1 |
Fail |
The response DOES NOT demonstrate sufficient knowledge, understanding or skill (as appropriate) to meet the AC. Insufficient examples included where required to support answer. Insufficient or no evidence of the use of wider reading to help inform answer. Presentation or structure of response is not appropriate and does not meet the requirement of the question/assessment brief. |
2 |
Low Pass |
The response demonstrates an acceptable level of knowledge, understanding or skill (as appropriate) to meet the AC. Sufficient acceptable examples included where required to support answer. Sufficient evidence of appropriate wider reading to help inform answer. Satisfactory in-text referencing. Answer is acceptable but could be clearer in responding to the question/task and presented in a more coherent way. Required format adopted but some improvement required to the structure and presentation of the response. |
3 |
Pass |
The response demonstrates a good level of knowledge, understanding or skill (as appropriate) to meet the AC. Includes confident use of examples, where required to support the answer. Good evidence of appropriate wider reading to help inform answer. A good standard of in-text referencing. Answer responds clearly to the question/task and is well expressed. Presentation and structure of response is appropriate for the question/task. |
4 |
High Pass |
The response demonstrates a wide and confident level of knowledge, understanding or skill (as appropriate) to meet the AC. Includes strong examples that illustrate the points being made and support the answer. Considerable evidence of appropriate wider reading to inform answer. An excellent standard of in-text referencing. Answer responds clearly to the question/task and is particularly well expressed or argued. Presentation and structure of response is clear, coherent, and responds directly to the requirements of the question/task. |
Marking grid and feedback for learner
Unit 5OS02: Assessor Feedback to Learner |
Centre number |
Centre name |
Learner number (1st 7 digits of CIPD Membership number) |
Learner surname |
Learner other names (e.g. first name and middle name(s)) |
Note to Assessor – Please enter a mark for each AC. You need only provide feedback
where you have awarded a mark of 1. This feedback should be developmental.
TASK 1 |
AC Number |
Assessment Criteria |
Mark 1-4 |
1.1 |
Evaluate how the development of technology and digital collaboration has impacted the design and delivery of learning and development over time. |
Assessor feedback first submission (if applicable) |
Assessor feedback resubmission 1 (if applicable) |
Assessor feedback resubmission 2 (if applicable) |
1.2 |
Assess the risks and challenges technology-based learning and development poses, and how these are being addressed for:
Assessor feedback first submission (if applicable) |
Assessor feedback resubmission 1 (if applicable) |
Assessor feedback resubmission 2 (if applicable) |
1.3 |
Assess the impact of emerging learning technologies on the role of L&D professional. |
Assessor feedback first submission (if applicable) |
Assessor feedback resubmission 1 (if applicable) |
Assessor feedback resubmission 2 (if applicable) |
2.1 |
Summarise different types of digital learning content including the applications of each. |
Assessor feedback first submission (if applicable) |
Assessor feedback resubmission 1 (if applicable) |
Assessor feedback resubmission 2 (if applicable) |
2.2 |
Discuss how the choice of digital learning content impacts the effectiveness of learning and levels of engagement. |
Assessor feedback first submission (if applicable) |
Assessor feedback resubmission 1 (if applicable) |
Assessor feedback resubmission 2 (if applicable) |
2.3 |
Explain key principles of curating engaging learning content to address a specific need. |
Assessor feedback first submission (if applicable) |
Assessor feedback resubmission 1 (if applicable) |
Assessor feedback resubmission 2 (if applicable) |
3.1 |
Discuss how facilitation of a live online learning activity can differ from facilitation of a face-to-face learning activity and the implications of this for:
Assessor feedback first submission (if applicable) |
Assessor feedback resubmission 1 (if applicable) |
Assessor feedback resubmission 2 (if applicable) |
3.2 |
Assess the main skills required to facilitate online learning activities. |
Assessor feedback first submission (if applicable) |
Assessor feedback resubmission 1 (if applicable) |
Assessor feedback resubmission 2 (if applicable) |
Total marks for TASK 1 |
Total marks for TASK 1 (resubmission 1 if applicable) |
Total marks for TASK 1 (resubmission 2 if applicable) |
TASK 2 |
AC Number |
Assessment Criteria |
Mark 1-4 |
3.3 |
Demonstrate online facilitation skills within a live online learning activity. |
Assessor feedback first submission (if applicable) |
Assessor feedback resubmission 1 (if applicable) |
Assessor feedback resubmission 2 (if applicable) |
Total marks for TASK 2 |
Total marks for TASK 2 (resubmission 1 if applicable) |
Total marks for TASK 2 (resubmission 2 if applicable) |
Total marks for UNIT |
Grade |
Total marks for UNIT (resubmission 1 if applicable) |
Grade (resubmission 1 if applicable) |
Total marks for UNIT (resubmission 2 if applicable) |
Grade (resubmission 2 if applicable) |
Assessor Feedback Summary Please use this box to summarise your feedback on the assessment overall. This should highlight strengths and any areas for improvement, either referring to specific ACs or commenting more generally across the assessment. (Note: developmental feedback on any ACs awarded a mark of 1 should have already been provided in the relevant box of the assessment form above. |