Your career as a Victim Advocate has changed since 2001 with the increase in school shootings, hate crimes, and domestic terrorism. The February 26, 1

Assignment Details

Your career as a Victim Advocate has changed since 2001 with the increase in school shootings, hate crimes, and domestic terrorism. The February 26, 1993, bombing of the World Trade Center (the first attack on the WTC) in New York City can be considered a change in victim services for those impacted by these events. “9/11” occurred 8 years later on September 11, 2001). It is unclear where the line exists between domestic hate crimes and terrorism. The Department of Homeland Security was created in 2002 by Public Law 107-296, November 25, 2002, to combine all or part of 22 different federal departments and agencies into a unified, integrated Department, better equipped to confront the range of threats the United States faces.

Your task is to answer the questions below in 4-5 pages.

Have the number of victims of hate crimes and terrorism changes since 1993?
What laws and services are available to victims of hate crimes and domestic terrorism?
From the data below when did the increase in school shooting, hate crime and domestic terrorism increase and is there a reason why?

Sources:;,; Southern Poverty Law Center,, & Hate crimes against Jews, Asians, LGBTQ, disabled underreported.

Use the attached resources, the library, Internet, and other resources available to you to conduct your research. Provide APA citations and references.

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